
Cell Phones are a pain in the r-EAR

My head keeps spinning with more details that need tending to. We are getting more anxious to move every day. Virginia is nice and quaint but not our cup of tea. I'm dreaming of the sounds of the city. Really. I am. Instead, the other night we woke up in the middle of the night to some animals fighting in our backyard. Hero of the night, Ted, went outside and broke the fight up and I feel back into blissful sleep.

Waking up from deep sleep is always hard. Its WORSE when someone calls and keeps calling. This morning. I'm sleeping soundly. My phone rings. I silence. My phone rings again. I look at it. Its work. Silence, I'm off today. If I answer, and they ask me to come in. Nah, I'd rather sleep the day away. Time, seven thirty. Sleep again, ahh. Phone rings, again. Eight o'clock. Silence, if they need something they'll leave a message. Listen, they want me to come in early. I'm not on the schedule today, duh. Wake up, call back, inform them of the schedule. Boss apologizes. AWAKE!

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio