
Wish I was here

Trees speak to me. Ok, not literally. I always stop and admire. Pressing my back against its bark, tucking my knees into my chest, and daydreaming. Perfect friday afternoon. Today, I'm relaxing by the pool, reading a book I've read before, watching kids running around, remembering how my life has changed and God being here every step I take. Pure happiness.


ALFIE said...

i LOVE trees. there is something so awe-inspiring and majestic about them. i want to have a big one in my yard one day :)

thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing your "aunt" stories :) i am so excited to have some of my own!!

love your blog! will be back :)

S and O said...

ah now wouldn't that be the life :)
I love trees too, it's been a long time dream of mine to live near a forest...one day I'm going to make that dream come true ;)

hope your having a great weekend!


p.s. love your blog :)

Meg said...

Perfect post! Made me smile so big! :)

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio