
she and he


she and he are gearing up for their first cold winter in philadelphia

he has a new found love for warm socks

she has always loved warm footsies 

she and he attended an appetizer cook-off party with friends

she won first place

he surprised her one day by cleaning the house top to bottom

and i mean ( top to bottom )

she couldn't have been more pleased

she and he enjoyed every second of Thanksgiving together

even if we didn't share it with our families

as of november 2010,

he is one year older

she is one year older

she and he are growing old together  

a little note: check out Sometimes Sweet's Giveaway so many wonderful gifts!


carmen @ life blessons said...

ahh. so simple but so beautiful. <3 it!

Young People in Love said...

i love this post. Such a great little footsies shot too!

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio