
A Three Year Mark


Above is an old picture of Ted and his friend Andy attempting to be extra hot manly mechanics. It was all posed. Ted does do his share of mechanic work. This week he changed the battery in my car and gave both of our cars an oil change. 

This is post is about nothing other than I'm in love

We talk all day long. If he's at work, we email back and forth like high schoolers. If I'm at work, we text like love birds. If we are home, we enjoy every second. 

It's strangely beautiful how you can live with someone and spend almost every non-work hour together and still end up missing them and wanting to be around them. Or rather that he wants to be around me still. 

Yes, we have our tiffs. But they don't last. The snuggles...they last. (February marks three years of being together.)

1 comment :

Lauren said...

Hi Tamara!
thanks for saying hello at my blog! I always get so excited when new people come over and play and say hello! what a lovely post! happy 3 years! x

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio