
Confessions of a Military Spouse


1. It's true I am a military spouse. 

2. It's true that prior to Katrina or Ashton Kutcher I did not know much about the Coast Guard or it's existence.

3. I met Ted. Heard he was in the Coast Guard. Thought to myself he must be 'ripped' under his shirt. Little did I know. (all joking aside my husband is hott)

4.  I swim better than Ted. 

5. Ted is a oil police (aka marine science technician). He makes sure that nothing is polluting our waterways. If there is a spill, he makes sure it is cleaned up. 

6. Popeye was a Coastie.

7. We move around. Unlike other branches of the military, we don't move as often.  

8. Coast Guard does not deploy overseas (it's more rare then standard) and with Ted's job he most always will be home working a normal work week schedule. He did deploy to the Gulf due to the oil spill last summer but it was voluntary. 

9. I do think the Coast Guard is the best military branch. Mainly because my husband is safe and doesn't leave me.

10. To say I could not survive the day-to-day with my husband overseas is the truth. I have high respect for all the strong spouses that are living without their husbands.

11. Like I said, we move usually every 4 to 6 years. Picking up and starting over takes courage, patience, and lots of work. I do love the adventure of new cities but starting up relationships and family base is tough.

12. Health insurance. I was one of those that for years didn't have health insurance. I confess that this is probably one of the best perks of being in the military. I also confess that I am upset that the government is trying to cut our military health benefits. 

13. Often we think that if we push off having kids for a few more years this will help in the long run. If we wait than maybe we won't have to move around while they are in high school.

14. I'm not your typical military spouse. We aren't your typical military couple. 

15. Ted often contemplates getting out solely on missing the freedom to grow a beard. You can always tell when we take a vacation because he'll have a beard at the end of the week.

Ted and I two years ago at our friends wedding 
in which Ted stood as the best man of honor.

1 comment :

Lauren said...

:) that's sweet. you are really blessed to not be away for long months at a time. My best mates husband is in the Australian army...he's home now thankfully! x

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