
Over-priced & Over-crowded


It was this time last year that Ted and I were looking for a place to live in Philadelphia. 
While we were living in Virginia we made a weekend trip to house hunt. It was the same weekend of the annual flower show. We decided that we should check it out when it came back around in 2011.

And so we did. Last week we over paid for this over crowed event. 
Over crowded - meaning - we could barely move. Normal walking was a no go. 
We purchased some pussy willow and brushed shoulder to shoulder with everyone else who admired flowers. I snapped some pictures with my point and shoot camera that took a dive to the concrete later on in the day and now has a broken screen (have any suggestions on cameras!? I'll be needing a new one). So, we went to see the hype of the flower show and left agreeing we'd probably never go again. 


goodnaysayer said...

Sarah once had a kodak that she dropped and cracked the lcd screen. I bought a replacement for about 4$ shipped. It required a little desoldering/soldering but other than that it was a simple unplug/plug :)

This is why we need to live close to each other. Your electronics. Oh, and because you're (I'm) the coolest.

Sarah M. said...

what the dear Paul forgot to mention was that he never actually fixed the camera. I still don't have one :)

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio