
Fill in the Blank Friday

I haven't played in awhile so I thought I'd give it a go.

1.   The best prank I ever pulled was I borrowed a friends keys to grab a CD in his car while he was at work one time and told him I'd bring them back after I shopped around a bit and met his for his break. Little did he know that I never shopped but when to walmart and made a duplicate. Over the next few weeks, I would move his car from where he parked it starting out small and worked my way up to parking it further and further away. He thought he was crazy and would always talk to me and our other friends that were in on the deal. Bahaha

2.  The best prank ever pulled on me was Ok, I had by far the BEST prank ever pulled on me and I'm going to try and sum it up  with few words. I worked at a bookstore in high school every Saturday ALL DAY long. This one customer came in regularly and always was real friendly with me (mid-to-late 20's rapper kind of guy). On the Saturday before V-day, he was in the store and asked me out. I thought 'WHAT, I'm 15?!?!?'. I shrugged off the invite and tried to hide my red face as he left the store. About 5 hours later, he comes back in and I turn to my co-worker that dashes for the employee break room which should have been my clue. The guy asks me again and I begin to rant '1, I'm only 15. 2, ummm... no 3....' he interrupted me to show me his arm and said 'not even after this?' I looked, he had a FRESH tattoo of my name (correctly spelled) on his arm. WHAT?! All I could think to say is 'OMG, did it hurt!?" He ignores the question and starts on this spill of how he would love to get to know me and he thinks I'm the 'ONE' hence the TATTOO. My face is BEET red and I'm hiding behind the counter with no words and totally freaked out as a lady walks up to my counter and says 'GIRL, we be playing a joke on you all DAY! I'm Leroy's finance and my name is Tamara'. I laughed nervously. (My coworker had set it all up for weeks. He never acted like he knew the dude yet they had grown up together.)

3.  A day without  I'd have to say the same as Lauren...without people (although, I do like my 'alone time' but I get sick of it fast)  is a day wasted.

4.  The most important things in life are   Communication, laughter, love, faith to name a few

5.  I dream of   having babies. I want them so badly because I love kids, but am not ready just yet. 

6.  I dread going to the dentist or the doctor for that matter or being around people that I feel judge me

7.  A discovery I made this week was  the student discount at J.crew

1 comment :

Rachel said...

Stopping by from Lauren's. That is an awesome prank you pulled on your friend!

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