
Pins & Needles

More than a few times I've sat down to post a lil update but found myself never completing any one post. So, here I go with a few things that is happening with the Ohman's these days. Some have kept us on pins and needles as others have been keeping us smiling throughout the day.

1. We are hoping to move next month. Not really a huge move...only one floor down. It's the loft we were originally interested in but had another person beat us to it. Fingers crossed as we find out if they decide to renew.

2. I'm in my third quarter in Culinary School. I'm baking a bunch as I am taking a baking class as well as a few others. I'm excited to learn this quarter and a little nervous about my final exam of decorating a wedding cake. Eek, thankfully been pinning pretty cakes that I love on pinterest to help gather some ideas on what I will end up doing.

3. We are thankful now more than ever for our saving skills as we will find out very soon how this government shutdown is going to affect us and for how long. Hopefully the shutdown never ends up being a shutdown.

4. I've been in limbo on whether I'm going to sell our curtains and make some with new fabric or keep the ones we have. It was my spring project #2 after I found some fabric from Calico Corners that I'm obsessed with. I'm still teeter tottering around the idea though.

5. Ted and I finalized our hotel's in Rome and Paris. I found myself thinking about our trip often. Have you been to either places? I've been practicing my French and hoping to start picking up a few phrases in Italian. Although, my true love language is French. My idea of our trip is to enjoy every second and take it slow...sip latte's in cafes, bike around town, walk around parks, window shop, pretent we live there type of days.

6. Two of our nephews are soon turning ONE YEARS OLD. Time flies and we are excited about being with Titus for his very first birthday. (Also, really praying to have a great trip in Colorado and no reruns of last years event...as I was horribly sick) As we won't be with my brother's family for Abel's birthday...I'm helping out with decorations that I will be mailing to them. I've been gathering supplies to start my painting projects. My sister-n-law decided to take a spin on this idea.

7. I've lost my keys twice and my paycheck once this week. Called Ted in on the hunt and he has successfully recovered my keys twice but we've failed to find my paycheck. Good thing, my boss can just write me another.

8. We live in a loft/condo building and we are never bothered by our neighbors thankfully. However, the only time I ever hear our neighbor is when he sneezes. It's a gargantuous-break-the-bricks type of sneeze. And that is all I know of my neighbor that I have only met/seen one time. I can't help but think that he is single because of his obnoxious sneezing problem.

the End


Elle - The Violet Reaction said...

I've been to Paris before... I don't know how long you are planning on staying, but a day trip out to Versailles is well worth it if you have the time! When I went I just did a 4 hour tour which was enough time to see all the available rooms to see in the palace and then quickly walk through a few of the gardens, but I could have easily killed another several hours out in the gardens... they are eternal!

Also, if you're into Impressionist art the Musee d'Orsay is really where it's at. The Louvre was pretty neat, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the Musee d'Orsay.

I'm jealous you're going to Rome. I've never been there... but it's on my list! Can't wait to see some pictures!

{cuppakim} said...

SO FUNNY. I NEVER hear my neighbor - with two exceptions - his hacking smokers cough in the morning and when he slides his closet door closed at night. hahaha. and that's my downstairs neighbor. I never hear those on either side of me ever!

sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff going on :)

CarrieJo said...

i always lose my keys! and you know where i usually find them...still in the front door!!! oops! :)

Jess said...

Culinary school?! I'm jealous!

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