

I've been looking to redo our current frame wall in the living room. Currently, it's a collage of our wedding pictures in black and white frames. I just want to brighten it up and add bigger photo's to the array. So, I'll take down all the black frames and paint some of them to fit with what I want and save the rest for another project. 

I needed new frames... And I was thinking gold, cream, brown. Frames can be expensive so I decided to score some from the thrift store. After church on Sunday, I ventured into a local thrift store and picked up 12 frames for $26.87. Now to slide out the pictures currently in the frames and print up pictures to hang in our living room. 


Mo Manklang said...

we should go for an afternoon of thrift-shopping one day - I love finding treasures like these frames!

Tamara said...

agreed! Let's do it.

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio