
Stubbed Nose

Late last night, I had just turned off all the lights and was walking down the hall to go to our bedroom.

Long day of kids, gym, cooking, laundry, etc...... I was ready to curl up in bed.

BANGGG!%^*@#!?*!% Lights were out. I ran right into the doorframe to our bedroom with my nose.

The kkkkkkkknnnnnnnnnoooooooocccccck was loud enough for our neighbors to hear for sure. Tingly nose... eyes watering... and now a nose bleed. I'm have had a few other nose bleeds (2 both has soccer games when I was younger), so I'm not a real easy nose bleeder. Tired, crying, nosing stomping up was I. Woke up this morning and no hint of last night's effects are evident, thank god.


Janelle @ xo, me said...

Ouch ! I'm famous for walking into walls.. such as the time where, in order to make a statement of how mad I was, I huffed and puffed and waved my arms down the hallway- promptly smacking the wall, and broke my hand.

Tamara said...

Oh no! I'm usually a good walker but, when walls are where they shouldn't be I could see them needing a beatin'.

carmen @ life blessons said...

Well I'm glad your nose isn't bruised or anything today! Ah! I get so frustrated when I stub a toe; I can't imagine stubbing my NOSE! Hope you're feeling better today :)

Lael said...

Geeze, that's horrible! I do that too.. turning off the lights...making sure my arms are out in front of me, but I use the light of my cell to guide me. The last time I got a nosebleed I was pregnant...nothing spectacular happened, that's just common I guess.
Glad you're WAY ok though!

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio