
Chicken Tarts with Spicy Peanut Sauce


Grilled chicken on mini tarts with a asian peanut sauce topped with toasted sesame seeds and Srirache

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Chicken Tarts with Spice Peanut Sauce
yields 20 tarts

2 T Sesame Seeds, toasted
4 T Smooth Peanut Butter
1 Garlic Clove, crushed
2 inch pieces fresh ginger, chopped
2 T Lemon Juice
1 T Dark Soy Sauce
1/4 t Tabasco
1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
Chicken Stock
Pastry dough or Filo dough
Salt, Peper, and sriracha To Taste

1. Mix peanut butter, garlic, ginger, lemon juice, soy, and tabasco to smooth sauce.

2. Put chicken in a pan with chicken stock to cover. bring slowly to simmer. Simmer gently without boiling until cooked through 7-10 minutes. Cool completely in cooking liquid. Drain and cut chicken on the diagonal slices to fit tarts.

3. Drizzle peanut sauce on tarts, lay chicken, drizzle more peanut sauces, sprinkle sesame seeds, and finish with srirache for heat. 

Serve room temperature.

Pastry Dough: Pate Dough

4 # Bread Flour
2 t Baking Powder
1/2 oz Salt
1 t Sugar
4 oz Cold Butter
1 Egg
2 t Cider Vinegar
8 oz Milk

1. Sift all dry ingredients together
2. Cut in butter to dry ingredients until forms small balls.
3. Add in wet ingredients 
4. Knead till snooth and bounces back 
5. Wrap and rest in refridgerator for 45 minutes
6. Roll paper thin, cover and rest in refrigerator 10 minutes
7. Cut into shapes fitting your molds, cover, and rest in refrigerator 10 minutes
8. Put dough in molds and then rest in refrigerator 10 minutes
9. Bake 375 degrees for 10 minutes 

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