
Four things about mothering


We love(d) co-sleeping. While pregnant I began to open up to the idea of co-sleeping. After hearing other parents talk openly about it and reading about it, we thought we could stop prejudging those who co-slept. For the first 2 months of little bean's life, we co-slept. Mama, pops, and baby bear. It meant many wonderful things. A beautiful bonding experience, easy night feeds, and peace of mind. I admit, we did try the bassinet. I worried more. Plus the out of bed whole getting him for feeds just was unnecessary work for me. So we threw the bassinet idea out the window. I feel like co-sleeping for us welded our hearts and sleep patterns together. I have a picture waking up our first week back home. It's Ted just waking up on the right side of the bed, Wells sleeping in the middle (taking more than his fair share), and I'm eating cereal to the left. We have crazed bed head still recovering from lack of sleep, but I love it. I'd have to say the transition from our bed or crib was organic. We just did it one day without a peep from Wells and a possible tear from mama. *For safety precautions we never swaddled Wells when he slept with us. We kept a baby rail on my side of the bed in case I was sleeping in the middle and Wells on the outside. Wells slept on top of our covers and had his own sleep sack. His area was pillow and blanket free.

It's true, I'd love to be pregnant again. Right now if I coud. Even after my traumatic labor and delivery experience, I can't wait to do it again. We recently were at our birth class reunion (we took the Bradley Method - and highly suggest it!) and I mentioned this as everyone glared at me a big 'omg, really?' I'm wouldn't be so excited about the nauseous first few weeks or the inability to move BUT the birth, delivery, and BABY. Oh my, I can't wait! I already miss the newborn stage and feel like Wells is growing far to fast. I had a c-section and very hopeful for a successful vbac next go and preferably at home. So I will wait a year for my body to heal. Plus we have a move next summer. So, who knows when the next Ohman will be born but I'd just like to confess, I can't wait to do it all again!

I've come around to pacifiers. My mom was very upset that I was not going to use a pacifier. I'm not into the whole pacifier thing. BUT, I bought one for our flight to Texas. Wells didn't even like it. But, we've kept it around since he was a month old. He didn't really love it or need one. Then I bought one of these for our roadtrip and it's been handy in the car. He loves to play with the fabric and 'teeths' on the whole thing. I wouldn't go as far to as its a lifesaver but it's been used. From a previous no pacifier rule, I came around and see that it aight that big a deal.

I love hunting baby clothes. We don't have a closet full of clothes. I'm more of a quality over quantity type of girl. Several of our items are hand me downs from wonderful friends. A few are purchased second hand via thrift stores, sales like just for friends, and instagram. Other items were gifted to us by wonderfully generous people. I started a instagram where I buy and sell baby clothes. It keeps my p-l-aypal full. I have had one large sale on instagram and continue to sell items from that post. I'm looking forward to our second sale. I've made right around $200 by selling off our clothes on instagram. With my earnings, I buy clothes or items for Wells from small shops like on etsy and instagram. I also enter a lot of giveaways that circulate on instagram. By doing so, I've won a pair of leather moccasins and some leggings. It's kind of a win/win situation.

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