
Days like yesterday


There is something so refreshing about v u l n e r a b i l i t y .

It's like taking a deep breath or letting a big wave splash against your back. Words that flow easily and are discreetly full of love, hope, and confidence. But more than anything are raw, unscripted, and courageous. Friendship that breeds unconditional openness without strings attached is beyond beautiful.

There. Is. Nothing. Like. It.

There are few people that have held my heart so gently.
There are few people that I've trusted to hold my heart.

I was recently at lunch with a friend for her birthday and we were talking about this spontaneous connection that is organic. These moments are to be treasured and grasped with tender care. There is nothing as beautiful as someone's story.

I have no big reveal in this post but to map out the song in my heart and to remember days like yesterday.

(click picture for source)

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio