
3 Things I've Learned About St. Thomas

Gearing up for our move this summer, I've been researching and finding out all I can to prepare for our move. I've been thinking of items we can buy to ship with our household goods at the end of April. Buying fun items for Wells like little bathing suits, sun protecter shirts, and a tracker hat. I'm sorting through our home and decided what will stay in long term storage stateside and what we will ship down to St. Thomas. I've also been purging which is what I love about moving. I also get rid of a little more junk and reevaluate items. I've been thinking about what exactly to pack in our luggage for the time we will be without a home (May through at the longest August). Through all this prep, I've learned a few things about moving and living on the STT which is locally known as the Rock.

Driving on the left hand side of the road. Our main vehicle will be shipped to us when we move and we will be selling our second car here in Philadelphia. I hear the roads are rough on the island. I'm expecting potholes worse than New Orleans which is bad. I'm sure the change of driving on the opposite side of the road will take some getting use to. I hear it's common to get bumped while driving. Islanders make sudden stops and honking is a great friendly way to communicate like telling someone hi or just a good morning toot. A honk shouldn't be used to alert the driver your upset over his sudden stop. I'll let you know what I find to be true once we are down there. We are so happy to have four wheel drive as I've learned roads can be steep. 

Fighting against mosquito's. I am more worried about protecting Wells from mosquito's and island pest. I'm been researching the best organic bug repellants, essential oils, or anything that actually works and is safe/baby friendly. I've bought netting to hang over his bed. I plan to plant rosemary, basil, and mint which I've read helps. 

Island shopping. I actually feel as if I haven't gone shopping since before I was pregnant. I've been craving a really good shopping trip. Forget that I'm still breastfeeding and I can barely squeeze into shirts, it has been fun. I'm about to blow right through my clothing budget, whoops. The island won't have Target, Gap, and definitely not shops we are use to. St. Thomas is known for its shopping though. The best in the Caribbean is what I've read. But, let's talk groceries. Basically, what I've learned is everything is at least double the price. One gallon of milk could be $10, a wilting head of lettuce $8, etc. I'll definitely have to adjust to seeing such high prices.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio