
8 months

8 months ago when I held Wells for the first time, I was flooded with love & oxytocin. It seems each day that love blossoms more than I could have imagined. I never would have thought I could love him more than when I first held him. I wasn't lacking in love but it is crazy that you can always build on love. Wells is 8 months today. He is continually changing and growing. These are some words that would describe him this past month. Bruiser. Cruiser. Climber. Sleeper. Crawler. Clapper. Singer. Babbler. Mover. Scooter. Kisser. Jokester. Worshiper. Drummer. Smile-r. Swimmer. Water obsessed & Growing foodie.
Wells is engaged in many activities including our new weekly swim class. Our first week, he was so curious and was very serious observing everything. Our second week he seemed to settle in and enjoyed the water. It is just a little taste of his future. More than swimming, I'd say that Wells absolutely loves climbing to standing position, walking along the couch (and our new walker), and making everything his personal drum - the couch, stairs, chairs, toys, and people. He is always patting drumming. Another daily favorite of ours is turning up worship music. Wells just started a half hearted praise Jesus hand wave. It's a little bit of a wave, a little bit of a pat, and a little bit of a full out charismatic surrender. I need this time and he really seems to enjoy it too. When he was 4 months and younger, we would worship and he would fall asleep on my chest. Nowadays it has become more of an active time and he is loving it. I put the music on and he gets super excited with a cheesy grin, can I  get a PTL.
Last month, I posted a picture of him flashy a cheesey grin at his doctor's appointment on instagram. This eye squint, full silly smile has become a regular. He flashes it when he's being silly, happy, and after a good laugh. It is my ultimate favorite. Wells is usually full of joy, but he is becoming more vocal. Sometimes he just grunts throughout the whole day usually when he's bored. Wells crawls off his tummy all the time now. He is always trying to get into everything. I try to keep us active throughout the day to eliminate grunting and boredom. Wells laughs uncontrollably when we are swinging at the park and loves to be thrown into the air.
Drumming, grinning, and swinging might be a favorite but nothing touches a precious bottle of water. He is obsessed and it's a growing problem. He loves drinking from my water bottle. I share. I'm working on buying him a water bottle that he can use daily. Wells has become quite a good eater. His new favorites are hummus, asparagus, rice, sprouted bread, and yogurt. He is still breastfeeding like a champ. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my sweet breastfeeding moments. My boy is so active that I love getting a little holding time in. 
Just this past week, Wells started bringing me books to read. Of course, I start and he crawls away. It's cute though. We've really been loving our reading time before bedtime. He's tired and relaxed enough to lay back, listen, and less likely to attack the book for a snack. I have come to terms that he says Dada more clearly than any form of mama. He has taken to babbling a lot. Looking forward to more first words and possibly some teeth this next month.
Bonus photo because it is so darn cute. 

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