
How To Start An Instagram Shop Part 2


I started From Wells a few months ago after I starting shopping for clothes on instagram. My friend, Amy, introduced me to the whole world of instagram shopping right after I had Wells. It has been such an easy way to buy and sell clothes. You can find my first post here and my post about How To Send An Invoice Through Paypal. 

Finding shops and Building a following.
I first found out about instagram shops through my friend Amy. It was a whole new world. She advised me to look through her followers and shops she follows for a hunt for other shops. I searched and found boys shops since I want to buy/sell boys clothes. Once I found a few boys shops I liked, I combed through their follow list and found others. Soon I had a good list to follow myself. Following others usually helps you get followers yourself. Even now when I'm looking to up my followers I'll go find others to follow and use lots of likes on other peoples shops.

Share for shares.
Before my first sale, I posted a preview of items in my sale and asked for other shops to help me reach 300 followers. Once I reached 300 followers, I posted my first sale. During and after that sale, I kept getting new followers pushing me over to 400. I've asked for more follower each sale I've held. I usually ask to add 300 followers before I post another sale. This helps build your shop and it helps advertise the items in your sales post. It usually takes 1-3 weeks to get your post up if you are waiting for 300 followers. If I'm on instagram and asking for share for shares it goes faster, but sometimes I only make it on once or twice a week to push my sale.

I do not like hashtags, typically. I find them to be very annoying when used for the wrong purpose. I do find them helpful within the shop and when used correctly. I have a few helpful filing systems under my hashtags including: #fromwellsarchives #shopfromwells #fromwellsshipping. Use hashtags to file items for your followers to easily search your shop for items available, polocies, and sold items.

Sold archives.
It's important to post sold archives for new followers to see what kind of items you have sold in the past. Before you delete all your pictures of your items that you sell make a post in your shop for your archives.

Tag list.
Create a post where you can have followers who wish to be tagged before your start a sale. I tend to tag from my tag list about 30 minutes prior to posting. Followers on your tag list are interested in your items and sizes.

I'll be back to share about shipping through Paypal which is so easy, cheaper, and all around better than shipping USPS. Thanks for reading.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio