
I love you Philadelphia.


It's crazy to think we lived in Philadelphia for only four years. It feels so much like home in so many good ways. Ted and I have tossed the idea around to eventually move back to the area sometime before retirement or after for his second career. We didn't know exactly how the pull would tug at our hearts when we visited. We talked almost a week into our visit about how much we loved amenities and the community of friends in the area, but we didn't feel an urge to move back.

Our week was busy full of errands and visiting as many people as we could. A few days in, we had a late night that really wasn't good for my health and had to intentionally take the rest of the week slower. I started having crazy Braxton Hicks contractions for most of the night. My blood pressure was probably high and I overall didn't feel good physically. The next day we took naps and Ted booked me a massage, hallelujah. This pregnancy I'm having so much more acid reflux than my last pregnancy and this baby sits right on my bladder just like Wells did. For the most part, I've felt great this pregnancy but in the last two weeks I've doubled in size and feeling more pregnant than ever. I honestly started to feel like I did my last month with Wells. (TMI but, lots of pelvic pressure already which going to see my doctor about. The pelvic pressure and consistency of contractions - probably not a wonderful combo.)

Wells had such a fantastic trip and loved spending time with friends. He even crushed hard on our dear friend Ellen. We spent the day petting all her animals and then she had a little dinner party for us. It was really great. We brought Wells to a children's museum and to the park. Sadly, most days we were in town it was so cold. He shopped with us, but when he had enough he would say 'No, please no' as we walked into a new store. He played with old friends and slept through a few meals while we were out making it peaceful for me and Ted.

It was hard to leave *normal life* but easy to head back to our island weather. We stepped off the plane and realized that our summer has hit and it is hot. I'm not complaining I'm just sitting with three fans on myself. I'd rather be hot than cold or swimming rather than under a blanket. We are rounding out year one in St. Thomas with one year to go. I'm excited to get back on here and share what I've learned in our first year on island and what I look forward to in the upcoming year.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio