
Poppy / 5 months


Poppy has woken up! She is up to play and giggle and drool and exercise her high pitched coos. It is so much fun. She loves playing and eye contact even from across the room. She is working at her own pace and I'd say doing just fine. She can sit up with resting her weight on her hands. She can scoot forward on her belly, but can't army crawl. She can roll over both ways, but mostly just rolls to her stomach and plays. She is gaining more head control and shoulder strength daily. And, she loves to stand. 
I love her belly laughs. Her big smiles. Her bright eyes. Seriously, I am smitten all over again. Her little personality is coming out more and Wells is taking notice. Wells loves to play peek a boo with Poppy. She loves it and melts us each time with a giggle. Sometimes she has Wells dying over her giggle and fart combo. She now takes a bath with Wells and loves it! She also loves to be in the pool or ocean. This past month, her hair formed into a organic mohawk as the hair on the sides of her head fell out. She had a ton of "party in the back" too. Just in the last week, the sides have really started to grow back in and they are blond-ish... still all with a little tint of strawberry. 
When we are home, she is all over the house. When we are out during the week, she typically is in the carrier worn by dad. I like holding her on my hip. A baby on the hip is your best accessory. I love it. She loves being worn and is almost always content for an extended period of time. On Christmas Eve, Poppy went out of the "country" for the first time. She visited Tortolla, Norman Island, Jost Van Dyke, and our favorite spot Shady Spit in the British Virgin Islands. She loved being on the boat. When she wasn't sleeping, she was being transported from boat to shore. She was a champ and even posed for pictures effortlessly! (I'm working on getting them up soon!) She never cried all day. Sweet baby.
"MOM, she is spilling!!!" Wells calls out to be me constantly. He is referring to her drool. I really think she is in the beginning stage of teething. She loves putting anything in her mouth to gum. She isn't spitting up as much (which is good, but I'm still over the spit up stage!), but she is a drool monster now. Five months and she is all sunshine

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