
Seek Peace & Pursue It.


Last year, we were packing into suitcases and heading to Kentucky to celebrate my little brother getting married. December was packed, a little to busy for my comfort levels. This year we are staying home and what better place to call home than St. Thomas. We have already been starting our holidays off with a bang including tree lightings, pictures with Santa, and cookie decorating parties. We have so much fun festivities planned too. We just booked a boat charter for Christmas Eve. I am so looking forward to a calmer holiday to spend with my little family soaking up some sunny days on the beach.

I have failed to send out Christmas cards this year. I've been too busy taking everyone else's. I may do a Happy New Year, We had a baby!, and we are moving!! 2016 card. It may be at in your mailbox or it may sit on my kitchen table for a few months before I decide to pitch it. I'm more of a every other year Christmas card type person in ways. It has been working just fine for me too.

I'm almost done Christmas shopping and hoping all arrives in time.

In other news, I'm really enjoying this advent season. My sister-in-law sent me the She Reads Truth advent book and I'm really digging into it.

Isaiah 34:14 "..seek peace and pursuit it..." One of the many things that has been impressed upon my heart this season. I am so thankful for a Savior who sought me out and gives me peace.

Last Sunday, our family lit the candle of peace at our church.

We went up to light the candle as a family. I was holding Poppy and starting the reading. I passed the microphone to Ted and went to light the previous weeks candle. It would not light. Ted kept reading as I tried a few more ways. Never lit and I moved on and lit the candle of peace as Ted finished the reading and prayer. All the while, Wells is standing by our sides exclaiming "I need to pee. Daddy, I need to pee. I need to pee pee Mommy." And, I thought for sure his voice was being heard by all. In actuality, I think only the choir heard thankfully.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio