

Eventful weekend has led me to reflect ALOT.

Countless sleepless nights. I can't turn my brain off.

Sunday at church, the sermon was directly for me.

I really thought during the service 'Wait!!! I'm not the only one going through some pretty tough stuff.'

What a great feeling, to know your not the only one with problems. Some points that the pastor made really caught my attention. He was speaking about particular life circumstances. He was diagnosed with cancer this year and he shared his struggles and what he learned from this past year. First off, I really took hold of a point that he made. In our hardships and mishaps, there are three major commonents 1. you, 2. others, 3. God. When we view a certain situation and only look at 1 of these points. Like ourselves, our perspective is WAY off. Also, if we choose to focus only on OTHERS and not ourselves, we are way off too. I need to look at this past year and all my hardships with a whole perspective. God has brought me through stuff to learn, grow, and glorify Him. Other people play a role in my life and if I only focus on what they do and don't do then I will have a lopsided perspective. I have to trust God that even in good and bad circimstances that He is there working in my life.

I'm determined to change this next year.

I don't want to be known for who I used to be.

I want to let the Lord change me from the inside out.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio