

For the past year and a half, I've been dealing with an infection in my right leg.

Its call mycobaclereen.

It is settled in my right leg and through countless meds and doctor visits is still giving me problems. Last night I was up for hours with pain in my leg. I'm going to look for a doctor here in Virginia this week. I'm wondering if there is a natural herbal remedy for the infection. I'm just sick and tired of dealing with this.

The first major symptom of the infection was at its worst early November 2007. Ted and me ended up in the emergency room at charity hospital on a wednesday night. We waited for hours!! Seriously, we waited for from 8pm to 2am for them to see me. I had an outbreak on my leg. Pretty much what was a "bug bite" to me formed into this massive hole in my leg. GROSS, I know. My leg was in so much pain. I had waited to long and should have gone to the doctor alot sooner. But I don't have insurance so I didn't. That night at Charity Hospital in New Orleans they removed a chunk of my leg. It was the most painful thing I've ever been through. While I'm waiting for surgery, (as delirious as can be) I get a text from Ted that some random crazed guy in the waiting area is threating him calling him kool kluke. I'm worried about Ted and in so much pain. The good news was that after surgery and going home my pain killers all kicked in and I was doped up for the rest of the day.

1 comment :

Tamara said...

Ok, the last sentence not that great of a prespective....the best part was having the problem solved and a day off to relax. And doing it with some help for the pain was great.

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio