
Feet and Heart

Ever have those days where you are just...... bummed out?

Thats me today. I think it started this morning after pressing snooze for the third time and knowing that I really needed to get up and really didn't want too. Then off to work, where I'm the new girl. It was insanely busy today and it seemed that everyone left me to everyone's work including mine. I need new shoes, my feet are screaming at me for being on them all day in poor support. Today found out my husband has the eleventh pick for places to move. Which we thought for sure we'd be in the top ten. Too many people coming off boats have higher picks. So, San Fran is definately off the list and by the time we get to it Seattle and New York will probably be off. Bummer. I would like to go to sleep and wish for a better tomorrow now.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio