

The beginning of new things.
I'm on the brink of finishing my first quarter at culinary school. Exciting, it is. Ted schedule changing and taking a another position to help save for some upcoming vacations. Let's just say, we've been busy. All the new things have really been great and embraced.

Precious moments of everyday life with my husband.
I feel like in the last few months we have grown so much. It's not like we weren't close or anything of that sort before but I feel like I keep falling head-over-heels all over again. Each day keeps getting sweeter. Couldn't be more thankful for my wonderfully stellar husband.

The grace of God that meets me everyday.
For the last year, my life has been flipped upside down. Lots of changes with moving and relocating for Ted's job. I've seen God carry me through it all. His grace is ever present. The gospel speaks to me daily. It's inspiring and wonderfully humbling.

New friends. 
We've met so many great people since our move to Philadelphia. Since I've moved several times in my life sometimes the process of starting new friendships doesn't appeal to me. But, we've met so many people that it's been so easy and fun getting to know them. Also, it's been a blessing to revisit old friends I grew up with when I lived in the Northeast.

Flowers. Hints of lavender. Candles.
Every season, I'm in love with flowers. They smear a smile on my face when I glance at them. I've tucked lavender around the house in little jars and in some mason jars. I love the smell. I've had a little obsession lately with white candles. They have found there way all around my home. I love how they flicker in the dark.

The frequent phone conversations with my mother. 
My mom and I had many rough patches in high school but I've really begun to appreciate her. We talk on the phone almost every day. I'm so glad to have a Godly mom and someone to talk to.

Skype dates with my little brother.
Sometimes I just wish I could go back in time and live in my parents house for the pure fact of hanging with my little brother. While I was in high school, my brother was a little annoying pest to me. So I thought. I regret being mean and not cherishing those moments. Of course, I loved him then. But, I was so wrapped up in teenage life (as most high schoolers are). Now, I love talking to him. Skype makes that easily accessible. He's brilliant and loves cooking as much as I do.

Frequent day-weekend trips.
I'm the type of person I need a break from my surroundings. Ted, too. I so love getting away even if its for a day and seeing something new. The mundane really pays a toll on my well-being. Living in Philadelphia, I feel like we have an unending list of places we'd like to go for little one day or weekend trips. I love it. Also, I'm really exciting to be planning our future vacations (beach trip in the winter and Europe in the spring).

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio