
Birthday recap


Ted surprised me with a wonderful trip to a resort in the mountains. 
It ended up raining the majority of our stay.
[with my many layers, I was a trooper and hiked like no other]
 The fireplace kept me warm, four course dinner kept me full, and
a battle in pingpong kept Ted bragging.

We not only celebrated my birthday but Ted's birthday too! Yes, we have the same birthday!
I'm exactly one year older than Ted. [such a cougar, I am]

Cute?! I'm still deciding about that one. 

For real, I do love not only spending my birthday with the one I love but sharing it too! 
Many more birthday memories we will make. 

Stay tuned for updates and store opening of Popsy this week!!
I'm also working on my blog so bear with me as links are being tweaked.


Unknown said...

Awww! Happy belated birthday! That is soooo sweet that you and your husband share the same birthday! :)

paislea said...

Cute cute cute!! I love your cute outfit! And what a fun birthday! I'm glad it was fun!!

allister bee fashion blog

CarrieJo said...

How fun! :)

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio