
3 months.


Three months today. I keep pinching myself. Life doesn't even seem real sometimes. I don't mean that in a unrealistic fantasy way. What I mean is that everything has changed and I can't even imagine it any different. The fact that we are raising a kid and he feels most secure in our arms. That we are trusted with another human being. The change is embraced and extremely good.

Ted and I had our first date night. Wells had his first babysitter(s). We had our first let's try for an hour not to talk about Wells. That didn't work but we enjoyed talking about him. We ate and talked pinching ourselves that yes we just left our son at someones house and we already miss him. What is he doing right now? Is he being good? Is he crying? Sleeping? Oh no, did I feed him enough? etc. We. Are. New. Parents. Eventually, we will get better at separating from our child (or hopefully children) on date night.

We are passed all our surgical chaos, PTL. Wells is growing in personality and width. We are finding the balance of parenthood. We love that he is secure with us. He is the happiest baby ever! I mean that literally. He coos. He smiles. He belly laughs which is so addicting. He sleeps a good 10-12 hours at night. Which is all gravy. We are working on letting others hold him. Right now that is a hit or miss situation. He sometimes is okay with it and sometimes melts. It's hard not to run to his rescue. He also showed a hint of jealousy when I picked up another baby.

At times he's unsure about big crowds of which he is center of attention. He may not cry but he won't crack a smile. Ted and I talk about the balance we are trying to figure out. A balance that all parents figure out for themselves. Hands on. Hands off. Pick your moments. We savor his love for us as any parent would do but don't want to get lost in it.

About three weeks ago, we moved Wells into his room and his crib. He didn't lose any sleep over this transition like I did. The first night I kept a close eye on whether he was adjusting well. He did great. The second night I did better. And by the third night even I slept like a baby. The whole transition to the crib was a complete success. Wells is sleeping ten hours straight consistently. Wakes up just about everyday between 7 and 8 for a quick feed before he would love 1 or 2 more hours of sleep depending on if we are home or not.

Walking into his room in the morning is the absolute best. We both have loved our sleep but realize we have missed each other.  Morning coos and kisses. I'm so glad he loves sleep as much as I do. Our days are not scheduled but we have found a good rhythm. When Wells is awake he likes being active. He figured out how to hit and grab his floor toys. He loves standing. He challenges me on push ups. He loves sitting in his bumbo type chair. His favorite song has to be the ABCs. We have a certain way we sing it to him and do motions with his arms. He belly laughs and we ended up wasting a whole hour singing the ABCs each night.

We are discovering toys slowly. Wells loves anything to put in his mouth. He seems to prefer fabrics. He absolutely loves sucking on his fist, fingers, and thumb. He has discovered his feet but hasn't put them in his mouth yet. I'm sure that will happen soon. I can't get over how bad his feet can stink after a few hours in socks after a bath. It's incredible. 

I have noted a few odd mom quirks I like to do like picking his nose, ear wax, and lint between his toes. I find it so fun which even I admit is weird. Baby spit up and droll has always turned my stomach just a bit. But, his doesn't at all. If a cloth isn't around I'll wipe it with my hand. I even mentioned to my friend that I could (probably never will but to stress my point) lick it up. So, if babies disgust you now... wait until you have your own. It's totally different on so many levels. 

I spend my days getting my fill of Wells. I'm basically been by his side since birth (besides the few nights in the hospital, our date night, and that one time I went to the mall solo). I still miss him. I still can't quite get my fill of him. It's weird and cool at once.

This past month we have taken many walks. He likes to move if he's in his car seat. He had a few car seat protests this past month. It was right after Ted's family was in town and we were driving around more than usual. It lasted for a good week and a half. It was scary, but we knew it wouldn't last forever. And now he is a happy passenger in the car again. Thank God because we are taking a road trip to visit my brother and his girlfriend soon!

We dedicated Wells this past weekend at church. We stood next to our friends and their babies. Wells let out a few peeps on stage as he was drifting off to sleep. But no one seemed to notice. We went out with some friends after the service. We will always remember this season of our lives with the wonderful people that surround us. Philadelphia will forever be where we became parents. 

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