
A very thankful 4 months

It is very fitting that Wells is turning four months on Thanksgiving. My heart is so full of gratefulness for the past four months. Falling in love is so sweet. First blissfully with Ted. And now, we've fallen for Wells. It's a different kind of love that parenthood brings. One that I've never experienced before yet still gives me butterflies. Ted & I have also fallen for the park. Wells has too. He laughs when we push him on the swings. He coos as he goes down the slide. But, mostly loves to watch other kids running around.
Wells rolls constantly across the living room floor. He dances at music class. It's as if he wants to stomp his feet. We have taken to lots of fun weekly activities as of late like music class, story time at the library, meeting with our friends at barnes and noble, and the park. Wells seems to enjoy being social. He seems very concerned about this cold weather change. Me too, lovebug, me too. Not that he cries but I've bundled him up to go to the park but he keeps a very stern concerned look the entire time. Wells loves being thrown in the air and still stuck on the ABC song.
Wells had his first taste of college this past month. Ted and I woke up at 2 AM to transfer Wells from crib to car seat loaded into our packed car and drove to Kentucky. I was a little anxious to see if Wells could handle 10+ hours on the road. He did great. Not even a peep on the way there only coo's and Zzz's thankfully. We enjoyed a few days with my little brother, Paul, and his girlfriend. Paul's roommate gave up his room for us which was surprisingly furnished with a queen bed. We survived living with college guys for three nights. I used a white noise app on my iPhone more for my own sleep. It was such a fun trip. Lexington is filled with such delicious and cheap food, score.
I can't wait to bring Wells to his fourth month check up to see how much he's grown. Little bean is so tall. I think we are in that chunk stretch chunk stretch . . . mode. Currently in the stretch. He loves to eat his toes and sit up by himself leaning in on his hands. He loves playing with toys. This past month we taught him to point out our noses. At first he was such a champ working with all his concentration to look at our noses and use all his muscles to land his hand on it. He used so much effort that one time he landed on my nose and cried out of relief. We thought it may be coincidence and not actually smarts. After pointing several times, he decided the trick was old and stopped. But has since picked it back up. We are on to pointing out ears.
Wells still has a great sense of humor. I'm sure he wishes we had more tricks. He may have contagious giggles on something you do for a day then be over it the next. His stare reads 'seriously, this again?!' Keeps us on our toes making him laugh, sometimes literally. He does continue to laugh as I dance to club-style music (don't judge) while I'm cooking. Thankfully my dance moves never get old. Those I keep fresh daily.
Our nights have been consistent this past month and went without a hitch through day light savings time. Wells sleeps from 9pm to 7 or 8am. He naps on the floor, bed, car seat, crib, bjorn bouncer, carrier, and sometimes in my arms. He doesn't seem to prefer one over the other and often times naps on the go. He lets friends hold him as wells as people he meets for the first time. He still is unsure when we first walk into a crowd that is giving him too much attention. A little shy but take a step back for 5 minutes and he'll get comfy in your arms. He's really snuggly and not too wiggly yet. I'm savoring it.

You can read our previous monthly updates here: 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months.
All photos taken with my iPhone 5c.

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