
I am thankful.


I am thankful for my daily cup of coffee with creamer. Thankful that Ted makes the best chemex brewed coffee, without it I'd be grumpy.

I am thankful for the opportunity and huge blessing to be a stay-at-home mom/wife. I get to watch my baby grow each day. He makes me appreciate the simple things in life. I am truly living my dream.

I am thankful for such a godly, hard working husband who inspires me daily. We have created such a beautiful life together and can't wait for the next adventure. He always keeps me laughing. I am thankful that I can learn so much by the way he loves, leads, and cares for me and others.

I am thankful for my parents who have showered us with so many gifts this past year. For my mom taking one month off work to help us. I am thankful for all the cakes she baked, groceries she bought, the chance to sleep, and countless things they have blessed Wells with. Also, for paying our way to fly home three times this year.

I am thankful for all my friends that I've become a new mom along with. Thankful for friends I can confide in and learn from. Thankful for the ones that have cried, laughed, and remind me that its okay not to have everything figured out. Those who walked me through the first few weeks of being a mom and beyond.

I am thankful that God is faithful. Leaving Philadelphia in about six months is scary. I'm at peace because I know God is going to be faithful to us and will meet our needs again wherever we may be.

I am thankful for friends in which we can always pick up where we left off like no time has passed.

I am thankful for warm socks, good books, swings at the park, and network television.

I am thankful for the ability to breastfeed. Such a huge blessing that it has come so natural and continued without a hitch.

I am thankful for families who open up their home to us on holidays.

I am also thankful to be able to go home for Christmas and New Years this year.

I am thankful for our church - although not perfect - serves us well. Thankful for godly men and women for us to look up to. Also, thankful for the nursing moms room at church - gliders, snacks, water, television to live stream the sermon, and people there to serve you. I hope this is a normal thing for churches to do because it should be.

I am thankful for forgiveness and the ability to change. I am thankful God keeps changing me inwardly. I am thankful for the lessons along the way because they produce character. I am thankful God has met me time and time again softening my heart when it would be so easy to be angry, resentful, and hopeless. He graciously sustains and builds up.

My heart is full. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment :

carmen @ life blessons said...

So wish our church had a nursing room! Fortunately, Claire's feedings are spaced far enough apart that I rarely actually need it, but it would have been so nice to have a dedicated room! Hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving (and post-Thanksgiving) festivities!

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio