
6 months.

Holy smokes, it's been six months already. Happy Half Birthday Wells!
This last month Wells has been fine tuning his learned skills and adding a few more. He started belly crawling at 4 months and now has it down to a dangerous speed. Wells is pure boy. A bit hyper. Rough. Playful. Very (very) lovable. Fast. Tough. Crawler. Full of joy. He has added pulling himself up in his crib which made my heart stop beating.
We are officially teething. I believe we will see his first tooth very soon. We massage his gums and give him a cool teether to soothe. Thankfully he doesn't seem to be in too pain but definitely needs cool items or a fist to take the edge off. We bought him a amber necklace which seems to be helping. We take it off when he bathes. Since he's been wearing it, he seems to sleep better too. We have fought for our nights since coming home from our holiday down south. I had five months of great sleep so I can't complain. Now he's been waking up 1-3 times at night. I typically feed him and/or hold him to soothe him back into sleep. Lately he wakes and seems to just want to gnaw on his hand for a bit. Bedtime is still about 9pm to 9am. I'm trying to savor his wakes as he's only going to be a baby for a short period of time. Although I do think our vacation messed up our nights, I think the memories made with family and friends were worth it.
Bath time is one of his favorites and we have transitioned to big boy baths where he can sit up and swim. He loves the freedom to lay back and kick his legs. On our recent snow days, we would let him play in the tub for a good while to get some energy out. We love the Honest company's bubble bath. While being a nanny, I had a method to help babies not pee and poop in the bath water. I would dip their feet in the warm bath water and typically they would pee. I have always done this method with Wells. Early on he would pee in a diaper but now I've been dipping his feet and aiming for the toilet. It doesn't alway hit the target but usually it does. This past month Wells has peed over the potty and  even pooped, which was a surprise, with this method. It's kind of cute and I always praise him for going potty. I've always thought it helps normalize the toilet at a young age and helps later on with potty training.
Wells now fills out 6-9 month clothes and fits in 12 months items. He can hop/scoot while in a sitting up position. He crawls to my feet and raises his arms when he wants me to pick him up. He laughs when we throw him in the air or on a soft pillow. He still loves the ABC song and we sing it often. He still loves being out of the house. We cart him all over and he is all smiles. Lately staying home all day seems to be harder for us because he seems to get stir-crazy.
He has licked and gummed avocado, carrots, broccoli, pears, and a cucumber. Carrots are definitely his favorite. We are learning independent play, the meaning of the word no, how to say mama & dada, how to stack toys, how to clap, how to push up to crawl on hands and knees, and much more. We started clothe diapering here and there at home with Thirsties all in one diaper. I'll be back to give my thoughts on them in the next few weeks.
Wells' new thing this month is sticking out his tongue. He does it when he is happy, satisfied, and when he's yawning. He can spot a cord or outlet from across the room and plot how he will get to it before you notice. We have a new found love for grocery shopping and eating out. All because he can now sit in the basket or high chair. $1 taco night is just that much better now. I can't imagine life without him. I'm honored to be his mom.

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