


Today, I'm taking it easy with Wells. We spent our morning slowly getting out of bed. While he napped, I listened to a sermon and then clicked around on the interwebs. A well deserved slow morning after a long night, teething is no joke or at least that is what we think is the culprit. Here are some clicks that I've clicked over the last week or so.

This article was a great read. 7 Crippling Parenting Behaviors That Keep Children From Becoming Leaders.

Reading daily quotes on Clementine Daily "When you cease to dream you cease to live"

This article on breastfeeding in public.

Inturigued by Socality - "A faith-based community committed to sharing the message of love anchored in truth"

Three great blog posts by my friend, Carmen: Hello, I'm a Mom and I'm Jealous of You, Childbirth: A Window into Motherhood, Letting Go the Grip of Comparison in Motherhood and Discovering Grace.

I've been rediscovering Where My Heart Resides, I completely relate and absolutely agree with her post here.

I'm in the middle of reading this book.

Okay, now I'm off to fold laundry.

*You have until tomorrow to enter the giveaway*

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