
Better Together with Meg from Kent Park


Meg lives in (chilly) Rochester, New York with her husband Kyle and son Miles. She blogs here and instagrams here. If you want to read more about Meg go here.

I had some trouble deciding what to write about for this series. I showed my husband, Kyle, a post that I wrote and he pointed out how it didn't really fit the theme "Better Together"... at all. I then spent the whole of Monday evening agonizing over what to write until Kyle offered an idea, "Why don't you just write about how we as a couple are better because the three of us are together." .........Brillant! Here are some reasons why my relationship is better with my husband because we are now a family of three!

We're better because there are more opportunities to be selfless.

Have a baby presents a lot of opportunities for you to put your partner first. While there was nothing inhibiting us from putter each other first pre-baby it was just not as blatantly obvious how we could do it as it is now. Taking care of a baby is a vary tangible way to show your partner you care about them. When the baby is crying in the middle of the night it's easy for Kyle to know how to put me first. When Kyle stays up half the night with a teething baby it's clear how I can put him first (let him sleep in!) It can still be hard to actually carry out these selfless actions, but they are just more frequent and easier to spot. All these opportunities to put each other first have brought us closer together.

We're better because we're happier. 

I've had a good life and happy marriage. My husband and I had some great times before baby Miles came along. But the sheer joy we feel from having our baby with us is something completely different. From the moment we knew I was pregnant until now I've been ecstatically happy. For the first few weeks we had Miles I could cry every day because I was just so. darn. happy. I know what you're thinking but it wasn't because of the ass crazy hormones or sleepless delirium! We laugh so much every day. Having this joy has definitely made me a better wife and Kyle a better husband.

We're better because we're worked as a team.

Having a baby showed us how important it is to work together, and how working as team brings you closer to your partner. In the same way as poeple on sports teams, mission trips, or music groups build butter relationships by struggling together through the ups and downs of common task, we have felt this. There is a camaraderie that is strengthened by working together as a team.

There are many other reason why having a baby has made our marriage stronger and I'm sure as the months and years come and go we'll discover even more! It's been amazing to experience this adventure together.

Better Together is a mini series where I'll be featuring a few of my blog friends who are new moms. We all are figuring out what it looks like to reconnect and relate as a couple in light of parenthood. If you would like to contribute contact me at t_varnado@hotmail.com

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