
Better Together with Olivia from For Me

Olivia is a stay at home mom of one living in Portland, OR. She is a Young Life leader, lover of organization and passionate about community and relationships. She, on occasion, blogs over here 
(trying to get back into it post baby), instagrams here and pins here.


My husband and I are very different. We were raised different, communicate different, have different philosophies on parts of life. I've always counted this as a good thing in the long run, that we would sharpen each other, challenge each other and help each other to grow. However, over the last few years and the beginning of our marriage, it has been known to pull out tension in us.

Our daughter had complications when she was born in August. She aspirated fluid in her lungs when she came out and had to be rushed to the NICU to be put on a ventilator. After 5 days with lots of complications, ups and downs, and the healing power of Jesus, I'm grateful to say we got to take home a healthy, happy girl with no long term effects whatsoever.

Those 5 days in the hospital changed our marriage. Our daughter felt like this first thing that my husband and I felt the EXACT same about. Our love for her and our fight for her life was in unison. The Lord, as always, used a hard situation to bring my husband and I closer than we have ever been. I was so in love with him watching him take care of me, and our daughter so well. Those parts of our personalities that were not in sync didn't matter during that time.

In these past 5 months of being new parents, we have tried to hold onto this truth. We pray that our sweet girl continues to bring us closer together and never apart. We love her the same, she means so much to both of us and there shouldn't be anything like contrasting parenting approaches to make us drift apart.

A few things I have learned along the way:

1 //  Know that the way your husband goes about things; changes diapers, bedtime routine, so many little things, is going to look a little different than the way you do it. Choose not to correct them as dads, let them do it the way they want to. It's not wrong, just different.

2 // Continue to look at the bigger picture. You created life together, there is nothing more special than that.

3 // Your relationship with The Lord comes first, then your marriage, then your child. Don't get this order mixed up or make your child an idol in your life.

4// Turn off the TV (still working on this one...) We haven't had many date nights out without our girl and we can't always do that so we need to make quality time out of the time we do have together. We're trying to get creative but it's hard, we are lazy... Card games? Suggestions welcome.

Praying for us all, that we see a little bit of the way our Creator loves us because of the new, real, unconditional love that we have for our children and hopefully our husbands too.
1 Corinthians 13:7 // Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


Better Together is a mini series where I'll be featuring a few of my blog friends who are new moms. We all are figuring out what it looks like to reconnect and relate as a couple in light of parenthood. If you would like to contribute contact me at t_varnado@hotmail.com

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