
Happy Valentines Day


If you are on my mailing list, you may have received a Valentine's from us. I kind of got carried away in sending them out. At first, I was just going to send to my family and very close friends. But, then I just went for it. I'm a little stamp happy. I staged Wells with some wild flowers mixed with eucalyptus. It smelled heavenly. He was all about sucking his lower lip the entire time. I also took pictures with his hat on and then tried some with it off. I loved the ones with his hat on! Here is one of my favorites of the one's I ended up not sending out.

I decided to jot down 100 things I love about Wells. I had to limit my list to 100, because I could have added hundreds more. I can't wait to come back 1, 5, and 10 years from now and read every single one. I'd be surprised if anyone else makes it through all of them. What can I say, my heart is full.

1. I love how you kick in the bath tub and grin from ear to ear while doing it.
2. I love your open mouth, slobbery kisses straight on my lips and/or nose.
3. I love your chubby arms and the creases around your wrists.
4. I love your blonde hair and sometimes a hint of strawberry.
5. I love how expressive your eyebrows are and can't get over how much I love your massive hands.
6. I love how you stick your tongue out when you're are being silly.
7. I love your nose, I fell in love with it when we had our 3D ultrasound when you were in my belly.
8. I love your plump cheeks and how you laugh when you hear hiccups.
9. I love the faces you make when you do not like the food we offer you.
10. I love waking up to you playing in your crib.
11. I love waking up to care for you when your sad.
12. I love your drool and how you start to 'chew' whenever I'm eating something.
13. I love your ears that were was passed from either one of my brothers or your dad.
14. I love when I get to see your neck.
15. I love how excited you get when you see yourself in the mirror.
16. I love watching you, watch me getting ready for the day.
17. I love how you stop dead in your tracks when I call out 'Wells Emerson'.
18. I love how you smile and laugh when I sing you silly songs.
19. I love that the one room I can't seem to keep you away from is the kitchen.
20. I love that you are always on your best behavior when you're watching me cook.
21. I love that you never just fart, it is always a shart.
22. I love how you crawl to my feet and smile from ear to ear knowing you will melt my hear and get me to pick you up.
23. I love your hair and how it's growing.
24. I love your excitement over a new toy or book.
25. I love how when you are scared, you make sure I'm right next to you.
26. I love how you respond to my voice.
27. I love how you adore your dad and how excited you when we let you sit in our laps when the car is parked.
28. I love how much you enjoy and welcome dancing.
29. I love how you always want to be on the go.
30. I love how you smile at everyone at the grocery store.
31. I love when you laugh in your sleep.
32. I love how you snore just as loud as your dad, and me.
33. I love taking baths together.
34. I love how you listen to me read you books.
35. I love monday mornings with you.
36. I love being your mom and caring for you all the time.
37. I love that you grew in my belly for 9 full months and 5 full days.
38. I love remembering the first time I heard you cry in the hospital.
39. I love how you hold me tight.
40. I love how good of a sleeper you have been, minus one month coming back from our vacation.
41. I love how you love holding your own food and feeding yourself, instead of spoon feeding.
42. I love that your perfect lips and that you show affection by poking me in the eye.
43. I love your in-y belly button.
44. I love how you love live music like when we go to music class or at church.
45. I love how you enjoy looking out the window in the car especially when we are driving in the city.
46. I love that you are so happy when we are wearing you in a carrier.
47. I love how good you are when I wear you while I get my eyebrows waxed.
48. I love how you look in a good pair of skinny leggings.
49. I love how you cry.
50. I love that your skin is so white, it's almost translucent.
51. I love that you are all boy and always so active.
52. I love when I nurse you and you put your fingers in my mouth.
53. I love how you are determined and at times independent.
54. I love how you smell.
55. I love how when you know you want something you can't have, you crawl faster towards your interest.
56. I love looking back at you in the rearview mirror in the car.
57. I love watching you play on the living room floor and how you amuse yourself.
58. I love watching you get use to your surroundings in a new place.
59. I love how you love to sit in the grocery cart, keep that up please.
60. I love cuddling with you.
61. I love kissing you all over your face.
62. I love how you laugh when I kiss you all over your face.
63. I love that you nurse so well.
64. I love how you love which usually includes lots of drool.
65. I love remembering the first time you had milk and were in heaven.
66. I love you in your slouched beanie.
67. I love how you laugh when people sneeze, but can now disguise a not so funny fake.
68. I love when you babble.
69. I love your smirks and when you squint your eyes in delight.
70. I love how you suck your lower lip.
71. I love that I know just where you are ticklish.
72. I love how you pose when I take pictures of you.
73. I love how you respond to your name.
74. I love when you play peek-a-boo with me.
75. I love when you belly laugh and when you brace yourself before your dad tickles you.
76. I love your grunts.
77. I love how you turn your hand upside down to suck your ring finger.
78. I love how you will look at me and my reflection in the mirror bewildered.
79. I love the rolls on your thighs.
80. I love when you fall asleep in my arms.
81. I love the dimples on your knuckles.
82. I love your eyelashes and dimples.
83. I love picking your nose and toes.
84. I love how your stomp your feet when your standing like your dancing.
85. I love how when I roll you a ball, you pick it up and give it back to me.
86. I love how you climb everything you can.
87. I love watching you sleep.
88. I love when you tickle attack me.
89. I love how you think we are going to facetime anytime my phone rings.
90. I love you play with your shadow.
91. I love how you keep me on my toes cleaning all the time because you pick up the tiniest of tiny pieces of lent on the floor.
92. I love how you play softly with my hair.
93. I love how you sit quietly and play by yourself.
94. I love how you people watch so intently.
95. I love how you are amused when I'm brushing my teeth.
96. I love how you stop what your doing when I start to comb my hair and stare up in wonder.
97. I love how you think you are stronger than me, soon you will be.
98. I love how you feel against my chest.
99. I love your steady high five.
100. I love that God gave me you.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio