
9 months.

Happy 9 months. Today mover's came and packed up all of our stuff and will be back in the morning to load it up. Bittersweet, I've been sentimental all day. This is the house we brought Wells home to. This is all he knows as home. Time is flying especially with our move in full swing. This past month, Wells got his first tooth. He actually didn't seem to be in much pain but he did refuse naps. His energy levels were sky rocketing which I thought was a little odd. No signs of another just yet but I'm sure they are coming. Wells grew one whole inch in the last two months. The growth is obvious to me as his pants were too short and we switched to mainly 18 month bottoms. We have been stocking our bags with all things beach-y. Little swimsuits, babyaitors, salt waters, and tanks.
He has become this amazing cuddly baby. I am loving it. The other day he started clearly referring to me as Mama. It started as Ramama. Then one day, he was laying his head on my chest and turned his head up and said 'Mama' and popped me in the face. Dada & Mama are about the only things he says clearly but lots of babble and Baaaa's and Raaaa's. About the time of cutting his first tooth, we completely rid ourselves of our nuk pacifier. We also upgraded him to a toddler carseat instead of the infant carrier. Still rear-facing but he absolutely loves his new seat (we have the Maxi Cosi Pria 70) and looking out the window.
Wells loves walking along the couch, wall, and back and forth from different things. He is working very hard on being able to balance without holding on to something. I think his longest stint was about five whopping seconds. The boy can't wait to walk though. I can't imagine him being any more mobile because he already is all over the place. He can crawl up staircases now. He is very active at the toddler playgrounds in the neighborhood and is fearless. He loves climbing and loves sliding down the slide on his belly. Of course, he still enjoys a good swing and laughs the entire time. We may be needing a little hair trim before some upcoming weddings in May. His hair is definitely growing. He loves getting his hair washed during bath time. He really loves it when we let him have extended play time during his baths. I've been putting him on the potty for a few months now and his past month he popped in the potty. I definitely sent my mom and brother picture of his poop! 
This past month, Wells favorite foods were broccoli, chicken, egg yolks, beets, and kiwis. We started slowly introducing coconut milk to him and he loves it. On Easter, he stayed the entire service in the church nursery for the first time. I can't believe he's been out of the stomach for as long as he was in. I love being his mom and learning about who he is. 

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