
Blog neglect is a thing.

Blog neglect is a thing.

We have a few short days to tie up loose ends and close the last box before moving our of our home in Philadelphia. It's been a pretty smooth go, so far.

I've been tending to on going lists of gathering packing essentials and my little busy baby. Along with figuring out backing up on computer online. I spent 9 days backing up to Backblaze only to realize it's not what I'm looking for in online storage. So, I've been letting my computer work and I've been tending to other things which actually has been a great break. A mini blog break that may be continuing for some more time during our transitionally weeks between Philadelphia and St. Thomas.

I'm thinking up some good posts about my first year as a mother, breastfeeding, and what I've learned in the last four years. Whether I post before or after we are settled in STT is still to be determined.

In the meantime, here are a few things to browse:

The Freckled Fox for fun, long locks tutorials on beautiful hairstyles. I've been waiting to chop my hair off and this blog has changed me into wanting to grow it longer.

Check out Crashplan which I believe is what I'm going to end up going with for online storage because they have unlimited file retention. If you are look for online storage that will mirror your computer than Back Blaze is great. I'm looking for online storage with easy online access to files that I have deleted from my computer.

While I'm on a blog hiatus (or even if I'm not) you can always follow my pins to the left. I'm loving my color album.

I've been piling my spring reading lists together and digging in one by one. I'll post which are my favorites at some point. I'm always looking for suggestions so leave yours in the comments below. I tend to browse what others are reading in blog land too. Reading lists: Here, here, and here.

I frequent Wifessionals blog. Are you protecting yourself on instagram?

I've always loved seeing where my blog readers are coming from with the widget Feedjit. During the last several months, I have been using another widget and it's been great to see who each of you are that coming frequently to read my nonsense. It's a user friendly service that keeps informed me to who's reading, where they are coming from, what your popular posts are, search key words, and lots more. It's been interesting and fun! Contact me if you want to know more about this widget for your blog.

Thanks for reading, y'all.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio