
10 months

Ten months old. His cheeks are usually plump from this cheery grin he wears. His eyebrows move as he takes in the world raising with curiosity or new encounters. Wells happily babbles especially upon waking up each day. He sits right up from sweet, deep sleep and starts the day with full cheeks and chatting away. He usually talks about 'kittt' which is his way of saying cat. We have been staying all over the place and a few of the eight different places have had cats. He tends to chase the cats around the house. The cats are typically scared so they wear him out as he chasing them to their hiding places. Wells has added a few other words to his vocab that we can make out like dug for dog, ohhh, oh dad, oh mom, mama, and lots of dada's.
We. Cut. His. Hair. Yes, 9 months 3 weeks old and baby hairs were trimmed up. It was a necessary trim and it looks so good. I'm already wanting to trim again. He loved sitting in Ted's arms and smiling at me while our friend, Erica, snipped his baby hairs away. He looked so grown up and perfect for his role in Ted's sister's wedding in Texas. We have been flying around visiting family. Wells did great on all three (four counting connecting) flights. I admit our first flight there was a 3 minute period where you would have seen panic in me and Ted's eyes. It was passed bedtime. Wells was tired but over stimulated because he wanted to explore everything in our seat area. He was ultra wiggly. He fought going to sleep with a little grunting for about 1 minute 30 seconds and we knew if he didn't fall asleep it could be a longgg flight. He fell asleep and sleep soundly the rest of the flight. Our other flights went without a hitch. While we were hopping from house to house, Wells started shaking his head. It started because he was in awe of the fan. He would tilt his head backward and shake right to left and left to right. We call it the Stevie Wonder. He loves shaking his head now, but doesn't know that it  means no.
This past month was such a transitional month for our family as we moved out of our home and traveled back home. He is sleeping so well at night and at least 12 hours total. His naps have been very on the go and lots of time spent napping in the car on our trip. I'm sure we will level out again into some sort of normal soon enough. This month we received his first passport and can't wait to travel. We plan to island hop to the British Virgin Islands. He is ready to explore at all times. His eyes sparkle when he discoveries something new. Wells is walking better while holding one of our hands but isn't sturdy enough to walk on his own.
Wells ate his fair share of brisket in Texas. He loves meat and gave up his usual favorite, steamed broccoli. In Louisiana, he loved getting snowballs with Nana & Grandpa! Just ice, no syrup. He really felt like it was a treat though. My parents babysat and we went to the movies! I think he knew he was played when I was feeding him vegetables while we were all indulging on beignets at Cafe du Monde. 
Wells loves wheels and anything he can push around. He really took to PawPaw (my grandpa) and Uncle Frank because he really just wanted to play with their wheelchairs. Wells met his great grandpa Ohman on our trip too. This past month, I've noticed Wells really distinguishing people he knows from people he is unfamiliar with. He willingly and excitedly goes to our group of friends without hesitation. He, on the other hand, had a little bit of an adjustment when he was bombarded with lots of unfamiliar face. He became a little bit clingy which I believe is right on track with his age. He has become such a cuddle bug. When we have time, he just loves to cuddle in bed in the mornings. We don't have to say anything but he just rests his head on me. Wells loves climbing staircases. He would go on a hunt for cats and staircases at each place we have been staying. When he wouldn't find a cat he would look at me very concerned and say 'kittt?'. He really looked huge sitting next to his cousin Elias (2 years). He is tall. We are going to the doctor one last time next week before we move and I'll looking forward to seeing him current measurements.
Wells my travel bug. Happy 10 months! I can't wait to show you the world starting with St. Thomas. Hard to believe I'll be writing from St. Thomas next month.

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