
The kind of mother I want to be


What a loaded thought process that I've mulled over for a few weeks. Celebrating Mother's day for the first time, I decided let's put words down and intentionally think about who I am as a mom and who I want to be. There is so much more that I could put down, but I just have time to jot down what pops into my head as I sit here briefly.

I want to be intentional. I want to be intentional with Wells and all my future kids. Intentionally listening to my child's ideas, heart matters, and needs. I want to be intentionally teaching them the gospel and need for a Savior. I want to learn their love languages.

I want to give Wells freedom to be a kid. Eat a little dirt. Scape a knee. Make the house messy. I hope I leave room for Wells to be a kid. 

I want to be a mother that puts here husband and marriage first. I think the best thing I can give my children is loving my husband. Growing my marriage will subsequently bless my kids. I always want our love story to be a theme in my children's life.

I want to be a mom that doesn't need to be needed. This is a quality that I've seen in my mother that I really admire. She doesn't need us to need her. She is secure in herself and easily releases us to be who we need to be without her. She isn't needy in our love for her. It's a trait I hope to develop over the years. She has never hoarded us for herself but releases us in wisdom. I want to be a mom that finds her meaning and worth in the Lord and not my children.

I want to be a mom that engages. I'm learning to put my phone down and live life. It kind of goes along with intentional mothering. I do take photos non stop with my iPhone but I hope to leave my phone aside to play and engage with life happening in front of me. I'm still learning what this looks like and if I need boundaries like media free weekends or putting my phone on 'do not disturb'. Most importantly, I want to be a mom that is engaged to life here and now, celebrating the little moments and not hiding behind a screen or busy to do list.

I want to be a mom that is hospitable. I want to create a home where my kids want to bring their friends around. A mom that doesn't have to live in perfection but creates a warm and welcoming environment. Delicious meals and perfect bedrooms aside, I hope to always sit and enjoy our guests giving them me instead of a perfect home or tending to a to-do list. Crafting with my kids, making forts for them to play, etc.

I want to be patient, kind, long suffering, humble, and selfless. At the end of a long day, I find that sometimes I just want a little break. Breaks are great but I hope that I never make that break my everything. If nap time doesn't happen, I want to be a mom that keeps her cool. The list is one that seems out of reach in my own strength. I find it easy to be selfless when it comes to caring for Wells. What I find hard is being selfless when it comes to being there for Ted at the end of a long day.

I want to be a mom that is continually reading her Bible. This is something I really admire about my mother in law. She reads her Bible and does devotions each morning. She sends us text messages of a verse most mornings. Reading scripture, memorizing scripture, teaching scripture, and staying gospel centered is what I always hope to cultivate in mine and my children's lives.

I want to be the kind of mom that admits she needs a Savior. I am sinful. I need a Savior. I want to be a mom that confesses her sin to my children and let them know I am not perfect. I don't want to make excuses for my sin but own up to my wrong doings. Asking for forgiveness and also teaching him the Gospel.

Happy Mothers Day! 

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio