


I only have a few photos to share from the amazing day we were able to share with friends. The Robinson's hosted a farewell open house in our honor. It was a perfectly sweet day to spend with everyone just before moving. The food was a-m-azing. Thanks to everyone who made and brought food to share. Ted and I didn't plan to say anything but felt like we should. Unscripted. Ted went first then I shared. I got halfway through and started crying. My life has been touched by each person that we was in attendance in such a special way. But, here is what I would like to say now. If I mentioned every. single. person. I'd end up with a book. I am grateful for each person we have met and shared our lives with. Here is just a few thoughts.

Upon hearing our news of our relocation to Philadelphia, I was not extremely happy. Moving to Philadelphia has been great and I am so thankful. What has made it so great is having such a great community to be apart of as well as friends we've met along the way.

I remember at our first Resolved meeting (the young adults group at our church), I pointed Jared out to Ted. Jared had gone to the open mic and said exactly my thoughts. I nudged Ted and said 'we are going to be friends with him'. And, we were. Our friendship with Jared was so great and refreshing. He spent many of nights with just me and Ted wandering the city and happening upon Jewish parades. We then moved down the street from Jared in Fishtown and were neighbors for the last two years in Philadelphia.

Timing worked in our favor and a childhood friend of mine moved back from Los Angeles to New Jersey our first year in Philadelphia. Lauren helped me survive lost friendships and relocating to Philadelphia. She would arrive on the train and spend several days with me finding new restaurants and debating current events. We spent many birthdays together and laughed about everything under the sun. Lauren also introduced me to Ellen. Ellen has been such a good and extremely fun friend to have. I am so thankful for all the memories we share. Our trip to New Orleans together, hipster dance clubs, theological debates at bars, afternoons at the park, and so much more. I am so proud of her in her recent business ventures with The Green Lace Lion. Ellen's family also warmed our hearts with open invites to their farm for horse rides and even holidays. We spent one of our most memorable Thanksgivings with them. We are forever thankful for the friendship we share with the Sortore family.

My *mom friends* really have been so encouraging for me and Wells. We spent most Tuesdays mornings figuring out this whole new world of motherhood. We would laugh together. We all grew our bellies out and brought a little tribe into the world. I remember whispering to Amy in church "I'm pregnant" and a few minutes later with Matt's approval from overseas she replied "me too". Jenna introduced me and Amy and from the start we were instant friends. I am so thankful for all she has done for me. She threw me a beautiful baby shower when I was pregnant and we were able to hire her for maternity and newborn photos.

I would have never survived my devastating C-section without Bekah and Jenna. We all held hands throughout failed natural birth plans and c-section recoveries . I am not happy that we all went through c-sections, but I am very thankful that God put Bekah and Jenna to walk with me. I vividly remember gushing my story out over lunch with Jenna and Steven. Jenna knew exactly what I went through and cried with me. I remember Bekah texting me as she found out she was going in for a C-section and I cried my eyes out. I knew what she was going through. Recovering was tricky and I couldn't have done it without you two.

The last two years in Philadelphia, we were in Bekah and Connor's community group. I've said it on the blog before but this is the transition that really helped us. Connor is one of the nicest people ever and a such great group leader. Our time in their group was wonderful and we are so thankful for it. There wasn't anything magical to the group just they place where we needed to be.

We met Matt on the lawn in front of church our first year attending and slowly developed a lastly friendship. He even stuck it out after Ted dripped sweat onto Matt while he was helping us move our of the center city loft. Matt introduced us to Erin, Luke, and Zoey. The best group of friends we could ask for. We instantly bonded on similar interests. For the last few years, it has been the best thing to have great friends to laugh with and cook for. Then, both set's of parents adopted us in as there own. The Robinson's were our first babysitter's for Wells. The Trowbridge's always showering their love on Wells and watched him so we could go to a brewery down their street. Both families welcomed our family, even on holidays, and we are truly grateful for God putting them in our lives.

You would think I'd be scared of moving because our lives were so full in Philly. Leaving what is good, real good. BUT, what I know to be true because of our experience in Philadelphia is that God is faithful. He showed us this time and time again in the last four years. I know He will meet us again. He will teach us again. He will be faithful again. This is where I find hope and peace.

It is hard to believe we are not returning to Philadelphia at this time. That we are on our way to creating a whole new life here in St. Thomas. I've come to learn not to take what is good for granted and to appreciate the people that make our lives so rich. From Jersey or not, we love you all.

1 comment :

Amy said...

It doesn't seem like we have only known each other for just a little over 2 years! We have gone through some of the biggest changes in our lives together! And have grown together both spiritually and in our families! I am so blessed to call you friend!

Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio