
12 months

One day, I may wake up and find that Wells has turned into a watermelon. If I would allow him, he would eat an entire watermelon a day. He absolutely loves it. We have fresh cut watermelon by the pool, frozen granita-style watermelon to cool off on a hot day, and everything in between. Yesterday, I made his birthday 'cake' which was really a watermelon 'iced' with coconut whipped cream. Photos in post below. He may not be growing into a watermelon, but he surely is growing. One year down. This past year, we have be truly blessed with Wells. His belly laughs, full smile, constant cuddles, drool-y kisses, non stop energy, hand claps, thunder thighs, bright blues, and rhythmic snores are all so intoxicating.
Wells is almost walking. He took his first steps with me and his great grandmother watching. He was going for her walker. Since, he has taken a few here and there. Each time, he belly laughs like it is the silliest thing in his entire life. I think, the belly laugh throws his balance off. Soon we will have a walker and probably soon after a runner. While we were in Louisiana, Wells loved when my dad would bring him outside for walks. He ate and loved fresh figs with Nana. He also loved the puppet show on the ceiling with Nana (my mom) at night. One night, we were laying in bed Wells rolls over looks at my mom and says "Nana" than flips back into me and digs his head into my ribs. We enjoyed our unexpected visit home and he was a little sunshine at the wake and funeral for my beloved PawPaw.
This past year, I tallied up 21+ flights we have taken with Wells. He is a great traveler and I can't complain. My luck ran thin on our flight from New Orleans to Miami on our way home from the funeral. After a two hour car ride to the airport, he had enough of confined space. At first, I thought okay so he has a ton of energy, I can deal. For most of the flight, he was squirmy and working on my emotions but pretty happy. Then, we dropped his favorite book to where I couldn't reach under our seat. The row behind us was sleeping. I couldn't ask anyone to help me get it. After a few minutes of him being upset about that, I was able to divert his attention elsewhere through veggie straws - my in flight go to snack, a unusual treat for him. I relaxed again thinking as long as I keep diverting his attention he won't fully melt down. He wanted to pull on the seat in front of us. He wanted to drum on the window beside us. He would have flipped over and crawled all over the snoozing row behind us if I let up on him a few seconds to jump. Finally we were landing, thank goddness. Then . . . we waited on the runway for 30 minutes. This is where he lost it and I believe I did too. He cried, I sweated, people glared. Once we started moving again taxing to our gate, he was fine. Those minutes seemed like hours. It was tough. I am more thankful that for the most part he is always good in flight. Our next flight went without a hitch, thankfully. I'm glad I don't have to travel solo with him in tow very often.
We returned to our new home. Ted had found and unpacked some of his toys. Wells has had so much fun rediscovering all his toys and soon discovered the stairs. He is step obsessed. I happily unpacked my suitcase that we've been living our of since April. I have yet to put it away because Wells has so much fun pushing the suitcase around the house. We are acclimating to the weather and limited use of the air conditioning. Wells sweats just like his father, all the freakin' time. He loves to take dips in the pool across the street and chasing the waves at the beach to cool off. He absolutely loves the beach, who wouldn't. The locals here love him and he loves them. They dance and sing to him all the time. He just throws his head back with giggles and smiles. He also developed this flirty squinting smile at guests while we were still living out of the hotel. He would flash it to anyone riding on the elevator almost as if he was waiting for them to tell him hello.
This past month, his appetite has been through the roof. He is loving curry chicken, plantains, mangos, and greek yogurt that I freeze for pops. He still breastfeeds like a champ and I still love it. He has better solid naps and is back to falling asleep anywhere - beach, couch, chair, floor, car, bed, crib, stroller. He puts everything to his ear, a range from the back of his head to cheek, as a phone and says a clear hello. Each day his words become more clear to us even though he still babbles a whole lot. I can't believe he is one years old. I can't believe my baby isn't so much of a baby anymore. He is now wearing mostly 18 months to 2T clothing and they just aren't as cute (or easy to fine) as baby clothes. (What he doesn't seem to love is when I take pictures of waves crashing on him *above picture*) Wells does weird things like he is always trying to lick my toes. I could be sitting, standing, sleeping - always goes to kiss my feet. I find it very odd. He also is very sweet and many of times, stops playing just to come and give me or Ted a hug. It lasts for a good 10-20 seconds then off he goes back to playing. He knows when he's about to do something he shouldn't. He will stop in his tracks, look at you, flash a smirk, turn back and make a fast break for whatever he is trying to get away with. If he sees us coming to get him, he immediately stops and acts like he's over it, just as you step back, he goes for it again.

One year down. This past year, we have be truly blessed with Wells. His belly laughs, full smile, constant cuddles, drool-y kisses, non stop energy, hand claps, thunder thighs, bright blues, and rhythmic snores are all so intoxicating.

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