
Picked Up & Revving

Five years ago, I walked down the isle to the boy I fell in love with, the one who won my heart. We were young, 21 (Ted) and 22 (me). It. Was. The. Happiest. Day. Of. My. Life. Since that day, Ted has continually won my heart over. Our marriage is not the kind where you sit back and relax. Active. Whether it be in our ups or in some downs, we are active. Actively, falling for each other.

In the past five years, we've learned what it means to put something else first and what it looks like to give 100%. Sitting back and giving even 95% but expecting 100% for the other, does not work well. 100 percent from both sides, at all times. This is what we know. Have we perfected the give and take, absolutely not. But, we know what it takes. Marriage isn't for the weak or selfish. We see that we are happiest when we are fully engaging, actively serving, and passionately falling for each other.

He is my soul mate.

I don't say that lightly either. I am an over-thinker. I can sit very indecisively on anything for a very long time. I can mull over minuscule things for days. I really head, soul, and body thought about my decision to spend a lifetime and beyond with Ted. I didn't flippantly make the decision. I was in love with him after a few months of dating but that wasn't the only thing that I was looking for in a lasting relationship. I was looking far beyond love. Even while we were engaged, I broke off our engagement for three maybe four dreadfully, awful days. It was painful, but so beneficial. I saw clearly. I saw permanently. I reached beyond a youthful love with clear vision and into a forever. My forever. AND, I never have looked back.

Ted is my forever.

I'd say our marriage relationship was smooth sailing for about three years. Love. Sacrifice. Traveling. Moving. Fun. Dating. Spontaneous. Then, year three hit us off our game. We fought. We disagreed. We annoyed each other to know end. It lasted a few long months. We remained. All our arguments aside, we loved each other. I'm not talking about the Christian I'm committed till death so I might as well say I love him, because we all know love is no feeling. Nope, we love loved. At the end of the day or week of not seeing eye to eye we would always end with love, purpose, and heartfelt affection.

Ted is patient where I bustle. I am organized where Ted is scattered. Ted is calm when I am stressed. It's the ebb and flow of our marriage that really makes it work. Two different people with an unbreakable bond, falling in love through the ups and downs of any normal relationship. The last five years have been the best years of my life. Why? Because I've shared them with Ted, my better half.

I would never want to paint an unrealistic picture of what our relationship is or is not. I share the downs because they are our reality at times. I also celebrate the life we live together. A joyous marriage that turns my stomach around with butterflies. The way our youthful love still is picked up and revving. The pound of my heart when I think about him. Marriage is hard at times, but so rewarding. I'd say more than rewarding, it is a gift and I am thankful. 

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio