
13 months


13.5 months old, actually.

Wells is embracing island life. He is walking, tumbling, and tempting to run everywhere we go. The beach is our daily playground and snack time is seasoned with salt water and fists full of sand. He is trying more than ever to form words and babbles all the time. He likes to bring me clothes that he would like for me to put on him. He stops in his tracks any time he finds a book, plops right there, and flips through. We have extended our bedtime routine with extra stories. Our nighttimes are fairly the same including bath, stories, prayers, and breast feeding. He's down at 7 and up around 6 or 7 most days. All three of us have become early risers which has been oddly wonderful and warmly welcomed. Rising with the sun in time to head to the beach first thing in the morning. Wells takes a long morning nap, up for play and lunch, then down again for another long nap. Naps are about 2 to 3 hours typically. I'm wondering why he hasn't dropped his morning nap or when I should help him along. Maybe because he is waking up earlier than he use to but fine by me. Nap time is a beautiful thing.

He loves fruit especially mango's, blueberries, kiwis, and pineapple. His other go to's are chicken (or any meat) and beans. He would eat beans (black, kidney, lentils, etc.) at every meal if I let him. He's not that into yogurt and vegetables anymore. I tend to sneak them in when I can with smoothies and frittatas.

He loves music and all his toy instruments. He has started to dance during our jam sessions. He survived his first haircut by me. He isn't as shy when in group settings and is loving movers and shakers class. Wells has made friends at taco night at a local hideaway bar. We all have been thankful for the group of tots and their parents on the island. He also loves the library, creating art at home, and pretending to cook.

Wells can be found talking on the phone with anything he can find. 'ELllo Naann-Naa' into the floss contanier, television remote, cell phone, home phone, toy car, and brush. He loves watching movies of himself and taking pictures, go figure. He survived an island virus that lasted 9 days. 6 days of high fever raging into the 104-105s and 3 days of rash. I survived by more cuddling and wine. About a month ago, I was trying everything to keep him off and away from the staircase. I gated and I pleaded with him. He would always find a way to knock over gate. Then, at my wits end, I put the vacuum cleaner on the bottom step. Voi-la! He hasn't been up the stairs or over to the stairs without me since. For now it's a win, hopefully won't become a thing I pay for later with therapy.

All in all, he is busy discovering the world.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio