
14 months


fourteen months old. 

Wells' personality is more apparent and comes out in several different ways. He loves music and dancing. Bum in the air, knees bent, and grinning from ear to ear to whatever is playing. It's one of our favorite things he does. We have family dance parties a lot more often these days. And, he loves making music by beating on his drum or plastic water bottle.

Wells has become extremely affectionate. He loves to cuddle, kiss, and hug. He will be playing and run up to give kisses or lay his hand on your chest. It's great, because typically he is so busy. At least, he can stop to show he cares and loves. It's super sweet and warmly embraced.

We go on walks along Magen's Bay and around our neighborhood. He loves to walk by himself. He is always ready to explore. Wells is not still for very long. I paired this post with above picture because he is still in motion. He is always moving, seeing, doing, playing, waving. . . 

He knows where we hide good food and tries to get to it. Raisins, veggies chips, and Ted's stash of cookies (oh my!). He likes to walk up staircases instead of crawling now. He has a little more independence when we are out in around other people.

More babble. More possible words. And, I even think I heard a slight repeat of 'taank-two'. I've been trying to work with him on animal noises. He only makes a monkey sound which he thinks is hilarious.

He likes to push everything including friends strollers with sleeping babies, whhooops! We bought him a "car" and he lives in it. We also loves pushing his truck along the beach. After running and pushing, he flips them over and investigates. When he is riding inside of the car, he can only move backwards no matter how hard we try to teach him to go forward.

He has six teeth and is roughly 28 pounds (weighing him after I weigh myself). 

His favorite time of the day is Ted's arrival home, mine too. 

EDIT  //

How did I forget to mention - We ditched the crib! Ted converted our crib into a toddler bed. Wells has taken to his *bed* so much better than his crib. He reads books in his bed, brings toys, best of all can climb in and out all by himself.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio