
15 months


Wells has two go-to places in our house. Each time, the house is still and he is nowhere in sight I look in these spots first. First, I go look upstairs by our front door landing. He still loves climbing stairs and the vacuum isn't scaring him away anymore. Thankfully, he is very safe and is scared to come down all on his own. Usually, he just wants to sit by the front door and ask if dad is home. Then, I go up to give him a hand for the steps back down. Secondly, I look in the bathroom. Specifically, the bathtub. The bathtub is a whole other story, because he goes in there to find his Grandpa's Pine Tar soap and my face wash soap (Cetaphil). He tries to eat both. Yep, he takes little nibbles of SOAP. So, I currently have our bar of soap on lockdown.

He also can be found trying to raid the pantry. Wells is eating off real dish ware, using really silver ware, and loving drinking water from a glass. He does so well with eating, but once he's full he still attempts to pick up the food and drop it on the floor. But, he definitely loves using "real" stuff as opposed to his baby dishes or eating off the tray.

He sings "ashes, ashes" all the time and falls down. Ending with laughs or cries, depending on if he decided to fall all the way down smashing his head into the ground.

Each time he puts on his back pack, he giggles. He thinks he is so cool.

I can't believe how big he is... Happy 15 months Little Bean!

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio