
Getting Pregnant For Baby #2 (a TMI post)


Last November, we knew we wanted to start trying to get pregnant for round 2. We had tried for about a year to get pregnant with Wells and had no idea what getting pregnant again would look like for us. I was still fully breastfeeding Wells and didn't plan on stopping at the time. We didn't know if that would have any effect on getting pregnant or not. I tracked my ovulation for November and we set out to make a baby. After one day of baby making, we kind of freaked ourselves out. Were we ready for two kids? Another baby? All the responsibilities that go with having another child. We decided, let's enjoy the holidays and pick up intentionally trying again after the new year.

Three weeks later, my good friend Amy came to visit us with her family. As we were catching up, I was curious to know if anyone from NJ/PA area was expecting or trying again. I told her there was a very, very slight chance we could be pregnant and we would probably be able to find out during her visit.

That weekend, we all went to St. John for the day. Amy took photos of us and then we hit the beach and relaxed. During our photo shoot, I noticed I was spotting which I have never done before. I was a week early for my period and asked Amy what she thought since she is also a nurse. We concluded it could mean several different things and time would tell.

As we enjoyed their visit, it became clear to me I started my period early that month. After day two, I noticed how intense this period was and also how different it was. Since we had guests, I didn't think too much about it. By the end of the week, I knew something was off. I was bleeding way too much. As we said our goodbyes, I began to monitor more closely what my body was doing. I finally felt like I should call my mom and doctor. I called my mom and told her I thought I was miscarrying. It was a serious amount of blood loss. She asked several questions including if I was experiencing any pain which I wasn't.

After bleeding extremely heavily (not normal for me by any means) for eight days (I usually have a lite 3 day max period), it stopped the day before we left for Kentucky. I continued with our activities in Kentucky and for the most part felt like myself. After my brother's wedding, I started feeling -icky. I thought it was due to eating out more than eating at home and having a wacky schedule around wedding stuff, christmas, family, and being out of town.

The day before Christmas Eve, Ted made kale and turkey sausage soup (one of my favorites). I could not handle the smell. It made me feel weak in the knees and like I was going to spill my guts all over my brothers house. I retreated to the bedroom as they tried to contain the smells. Immediately after dinner, Ted ran and bought a pregnancy test. I took it and it read negative.

A few days later, I was still feeling off and we had friends coming in town. Ted talked me into taking another test just to be sure before they came to ensure I could have a beverage or two. Negative.

Our results seemed conclusive, we were not pregnant.

Clearly, I had miscarried or had a heavy period a week early and now was feeling sick from traveling and not eating as healthy. We continued to enjoy our trip. Thankfully, I was feeling so -icky that I didn't even want to drink adults beverages, but only a few sips here and there.

The night before we left Kentucky, I was putting Wells to bed and noticed he was burning up. He kept a raging fever for the next three days as we traveled and settled in back home. The first day home, I slept all day with Wells. Wells started feeling better; I started feeling worse. For a few days, I was out. Wells gave me whatever he had and it was not fun, or so I thought. My sickness wasn't seeming to go away and I was running to the bathroom to throw up several times a day. After a few days, Ted suggested I take another pregnancy test which I thought was ridiculous. We already concluded that I wasn't pregnant from trying in November and were very careful since then. Why waste another test, but he kept pressuring me to take one so I did.

I called Ted over and we flipped the stick over and stared at it.


Wait. What. Huh. Positive!?

Okay, we are extremely happy, but also extremely confused.

I had been so sad that I may have miscarried and really would have loved to be pregnant. (I could have told everyone for the holidays and in person!) I so many thoughts running around in my head, but ultimately was beaming with joy.

But, how!

We immediately made a doctor's appointment. The doctor saw us and immediately ordered an ultrasound. That afternoon we were staring at a screen and our baby!!

Our second baby was measuring right on track, 7 1/2 weeks.

Everything looked normal and doctor concluded some type of implantation bleeding and how some women bleed more than others. (I still think it was odd that it was so much.)

We felt extremely blessed for so many different reasons including being able to get pregnant so easily and seeing a healthy, thriving baby when I had thought I had miscarried.

We were ready for this. We are ready for this. A new baby seemed like the best way to start the new year and it has been! Sometimes we still sit in shock that we are in fact pregnant, because it happened so fast this time around. But, nothing could make us happier!

In August, we get to meet our baby girl and we can't wait.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio