
Potty Training Notes II


Day 4.

We had a great day with no accidents leading up to underwear arrival when Ted returned from work. Wells put them on and excitedly ran around the house in his "beep beep's" aka the car printed undies.

He ran to the potty and sat with them on. This was the first time and was so sad to have to change into new underwear. We were just happy he went to the potty in the first place. We were busy doing other things and didn't even realize he even ran to the toilet.

Day 5.

Underwear on.

We had major regression with the underwear. We had accidents all day. I just kept encouraging him to use the potty and that I would help him pull the underwear down.

We were nervous to make our first outing since he was having so many accidents, but we went out to a dinner party with friends. Wells in his underwear and my purse full of clean up extras. When we arrived at the restaurant, Ted brought Wells to the bathroom and he immediately peed. We kept bringing him throughout the night and he kept going. No accidents and successful night out!

Day 6.

Wells did much better in the underwear all day. When we sent him to the sitters, he ended up putting a diaper on after an accident which was fine with us.

Day 7.

No accidents all day including going to church, the grocery store, and pool. Woot, woot!

And beyond.
One week down. The underwear transition is going much better and overall we are doing great. We haven't had an accident since last Saturday!!! We have ditched the training potty, because he seems to prefer the regular toilet and it's better for us to no have to clean anything. Wells has been really great about alerting us to when he needs to go. We also have been keeping a mindful eye on if he hasn't gone in awhile to ask him to try. He really will go try if he think he needs to. If he really doesn't need to, he protests. There is a major distinction between when he may have to go and when he definitely doesn't have to go. I am so glad we took the leap and potty trained.

He is really loving wearing his new underwear. He looks so big in his clothes without a diaper on. *tears* My baby is growing up.

We are officially diaper free (except for when sleeping! and until baby #2 arrives)!!

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio