
10 Days Old


I am totally smitten with Poppy.

She is peaceful, petite, and pretty.

Poppy is very expressive. She has many faces including duck face, kiss-y face, smile, stank face, and a ton unnameable expressions. She is a grunter when she sleeps. Sometimes while she is sleeping it sounds like she is trying to laugh. It is really cute. She opens her eyes about 30 minutes a day and the rest she is blissfully sleeping. We've heard her cry maybe five times since she has been born never lasting longer than 30 seconds. It's a very feminine, sweet suppressed cry.

She has a few episodes of hiccups a day which the pediatrician said was normal and not to worry about.

I already have an urge to cut her hair. Okay, not too much, just on her neck where it kind of looks like a mullet. Poppy's hair already looked like it's lightening up on the sides and top. I wonder if it will all fall out like my dark hair as a newborn did or if she will keep it and whether it will be dark or light. Her eyebrows are extremely blonde so gives me hope for another blonde.

We've been slowly venturing out of the house. She slept peacefully through lunch on the water and brunch by the ocean. She came to church with us for the first time yesterday and was held by a woman (who has been waiting so patiently for us to have a baby so she could hold her) the entire service. We even made our way to the beach yesterday with a stop to get gelato.

I'm getting my energy back slowly and hoping to get to enjoy a few more outings while I have help.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio