
Wells 2.1


One month ago, my baby turned two years old. I still see gigantic developmental and social changes each month. This last month his little world grew. Wells welcomed his baby sister with gentle arms and millions of soft kisses. All my fears of him rejecting Poppy have been sweetly dissolved. He is calmer than ever. Somehow, adding another child to the Ohman mix worked in our favor all around.

Morning, noon, and night Wells is always keeping a careful watch on Poppy. He wants to know where she is, how she is doing, and shower her with affection as much as possible. First thing upon waking in the morning, he wants to go and kiss her and the same with bedtime goodnight kisses. We always knew Wells was a love bug especially with us. I am so happy he is with his sister too. It's like without us even teaching him, he knows to be calm around her. My heart melts by his love for her. He even happily shares his favorite chair with her. I planned to buy a duplicate bjorn bouncer, because I knew how much he loves that chair. I also knew how much we loved it when he was a baby. Thankfully, they share time in it. It is so sweet watching him be selfless.

My mother-in-law tells me stories of how Ted wouldn't ever stop talking when he was little. Wells is definitely following in his father's running mouth. He talks non stop. Most of the time, we can decipher what he is blabbering (or at least I can) and other times we sit back and laugh. Lately, he wants to play his pretend guitar, his tennis racket, and sing songs to everyone. He is very serious about his jams and they are pretty hysterical for us to watch. It is so fun watching him put together sentences and how he is communicating with us more. His imagination is starting to run wild. The stories he creates are so fun.

Wells is very passionate about sausage and how he pronounces it too. He is eating better than the last few months. As in, his appetite is never lacking and is happily satisfied with a variety of healthy foods. Although, he can smells sweets from across the house and hear a chip bag open a mile away. He loves helping make his food. I've been teaching him how to crack eggs (and pick out shells), cut fruit, smear peanut butter, and a give a good whisk. At school, part of his day will be food preparation and I am sure he will love it.

Wells loves cars, trucks, balls, bubbles, and is a fish in the water. We have purchased several different floatation vests to help when he is in the water. All of them didn't really give him the security he was looking for. Then I picked up a ring from Kmart for three bucks and it was a game changer. He now is confident in the water. He loves kicking and being more independent. His love for books is coming back too. I finally got a library card and picked out new books. Who knew thats all he needed to snuggle in tight for stories all afternoon.

Wells loves playing with friends, especially his friend Scarlett. His faces beams with excitement anytime he is with her. I love seeing him excited about other people. I can't wait for him to make friends at school too. He starts school this next month. I really hope he enjoys it and I fully expect he will.

I anticipate so many changes this next year verbally, socially, and developmentally.

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