
Poppy / 3 months.


Poppy has brightened our world. She is sweetly adding to our family dynamic. She hasn't rocked our world, yet. I'm sure the day will come whether it be at six months, three-nager, or puberty.

She is a go with the flow, roll with it, kind of girl. During the day, we play on the floor, sit in the bebe pod, nap in bed, or stare at each other. She loves rolling around and discovering her world little by little. She's isn't always asleep anymore and she gives the best giggles to a good peek-a-boo or just by plainly hearing your voice speak to her. She loves to suck her fingers, especially her thumb.

What she doesn't love is the car. Sometimes, she only cries when initially in the car. Other times, it's the entire car ride. And often, it is off and on throughout the entire ride. Since this is the only time she cries, we are letting it slide. At least, I can bump the music up and keep on trekking, the bliss of baby number two.

She loves being held by anyone. And, she is perfectly content to be by herself. She loves to smile. Big heart melting smiles. She is insanely cute when she sneezes which she has been doing a lot of lately. She has her first cold and sounds like a little pig. Poor little babe.

She took her first bottle which means I now have a pump. I am slowly trying to figure the whole pumping situation. I'm basically only pumping for the occasional need and building a supply. I still may need to take some medicine in six months that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed on. So, I will be working on a supply to hold us through that week need be. The fact that she can take a bottle and that we have breast milk on hand means me and Ted can take a day trip for our birthdays! Can I get an amen!

I feel so much freedom with Poppy than I did with Wells. I think, being a mom of two instead of being a first time mom lends to my ease. Plus, she sleeps like a champ! I hope it stays this way for awhile. She is down by 7 and wakes to eat around 5 and I usually get her up around 7/7:30. I go out at night and don't have to worry about her! It really does feel amazing. Because we regressed with Wells, I am trying to enjoy it now. I am holding out some kind of hope that she just is a sleeper and will keep this incredible night time routine. If not, I will adjust and it won't be that bad. I did it once, I can do it again.

Happy three months, Poppy Emmaline!

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