

Ted and I have been celebrating our birthdays the last few days. Scheduled hair cuts, babysitters, and day trips have kept our days full. On our actual birthday, we invited some friends out to a new barbecue restaurant called Smoking Rooster. Our babysitter gave Poppy a bottle (first one given to her by anyone besides Ted). I felt way more confident about leaving Poppy with my sweet friend and sitter while we went on day trip to the British Virgin Islands.

Tuesday morning, we woke up before the sun and packed the kids into the car to drop them off at the sitter. I felt so confident leaving them. I never felt like that when I would leave Wells. I am a new woman. I have found my mommy wings.

Our trip included the Bathes in Virgin Gorda which was just as magical as last year when we went for our birthdays. Our boat anchored and we swam in to go exploring between the boulders. I pushed the power button on the Go Pro only to realize it had NO battery. I could have cried. Noooooooo..... But, I decided to take the day and enjoy just being with Ted solo... and he probably enjoyed not having to take any pictures. As if the Bathes need anything to be more magical, butterflies were flying everywhere!

After Virgin Gorda, we stopped at Cooper Island for lunch. Cooper Island Beach Club was really nice and everything was beautiful. It is now on my list to visit and stay over night. After lunch, we went snorkeling in the Caves located in Norman Island. We swam in three different Caves and saw a variety of fish. No turtles, unfortunately.

Our final stop was at Jost Van Dyke where we sipped on painkillers and floated in the water.

At the end of the day, we picked up pizza on the way to pick of the kids. Wells enjoyed playing with his friend and seemed to have a really great day. Poppy took her bottles like a champ. Our sitter kept me updated throughout the day with all kinds of smiles from Poppy.

Life is good. I am so honored to be Ted's wife and blessed to be Wells and Poppy's mom!

Cheers to my last year in my twenties!!!

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio