
Poppy ( Two Months )

Yesterday, our sweet Poppy made two months earth side. Some people say the moment you birth you second child your heart doubles. I completely agree. What I find to be even more true is that my heart grows each day in love and affection for both of my kids. It's like a ballon that will never pop. Pure magic. I am happily welcoming my mornings with Poppy while Wells is at school. She is the sweetest little pea.

She only tends to cry when I pick her nose and sometimes in the car. When she is awake, she gives heart melting smiles. I may have heard a giggle. I know, I know, supposedly babies can't actually smile or laugh this early. I beg to differ. I love her big blue eyes! Her hair is still changing and we aren't sure what it will do. My guess that it will be as blonde as Wells. Right now, she has a lot of red hues like Wells did at this age. She just has more hair than he did.

Our nightly routine is to swaddle, feed, and lay her down. Within five minutes, I check on her and she is fast asleep. No peep. It's such a peaceful routine and I'm digging it. She goes down for about six or seven hours then wakes to feed and back down until morning about another give or six hours. I plan to not disturb her schedule as much as I can help. Wells was a great sleeper until I started messing with it while we were traveling. She is currently still sleeping in a bassinet. We decided to move it across the room. I was waking too easily and thinking should I feed her now. She was just making noises or moving in her sleep. Now I still hear her when she wakes up, but not jumping at every little breath.

While I appreciate that she currently sleeps well, I do not want to grade babies, toddlers, or children on how they are doing their nights. I go through seasons of good sleep and seasons where I'm up half the night. In high school, I remember times when I wouldn't sleep through the night. With that said, I believe it totally normal for humans of all ages to wake during the night. It's easier to deal with your own lack of sleep than be waken because of someone else's aka my babies. It's a struggle to be exhausted and care for littles that are fighting sleep or simply aren't sleeping at night.

Rounded cheeks and plumping thighs, she is now ten and half pounds just a little over the size of Wells at birth. She is definitely filling out and fitting in to anywhere from 3-9 month clothes. She rolled twice from belly to back during tummy time. She's had two blow outs. One at home and the other while I was at my doctor's office. Eek! 

I am so thankful for our baby girl. She is a gift.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio