
Wells / 2.2

My heart is swelling with all these warm mommy feelings towards Wells lately. He has grown up so much in the last few months. I am proud of him. At times, I am a little sad that it is all happening to fast. Can babies stay babies? I remind myself to take it day by day and moment by moment. Some days, I feel like life is stalling as I'm dealing with an emotional toddler who just would like for me to read his mind instead of correctly communicating his needs. Other days, I feel like I want to freeze time and live forever in these tender moments of childhood.

School is the big new this month. I am happy to report and proud to say - he is loving it. Above is a picture I snapped on his first day. Wells cried at drop off for the first eight days, but now walks in with confidence. He doesn't want to leave at the end of the day either. He has settled in just fine which makes me feel so much better about everything. Last weekend, he brought me my keys several times as he ready for me to bring him to school. 'I need schooooo.' His teacher sent home a newsletter this week. She said they've been learning grace and courtesy, table setting, sitting and eating nicely at the table. I believe, Wells is enjoying being apart of snack preparations and taking walks to see animals. When I ask if he enjoys school, he replies "I happy."

The first full (half) day of school for him went great for him. I came home, cleaned the house, finished laundry, read a book, sipped my coffee, and text Ted - I'm already bored. A problem that I have already solved with adding more to me and Poppy's social calendar and picking up new books to read at the library. Now I am welcoming my toddler free mornings just like I knew I would, thanks for asking.

Wells is currently obsessed with trains. He has wanted to bring his The Little Engine That Could book everywhere including taco night and the pool. He wakes up wanting to read it. He typically finds something he wants to bring in the car. For awhile, he would grab a little truck or car. He would proceed with the need to push it on the ground until we reached the car. Eye roll.

Wells is still loving his baby sister. He thinks its funny when I let him hold her belly to belly. She pushes off his chest and bobs her head a little. He thinks she's giving him kisses which makes him giggles.

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Tamara Ohman + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio